Matthew 5:27-30 · Adultery
Hell under Fire
Matthew 5:22; 28-30
by James Merritt

We are in a middle of a series that we have entitled "The War of the Worlds" and today the series is really going to heat up (no pun intended!) What we are talking about is the war of the world views. Remember, every person has a world view; a lens through which they see the world they live in, the life they live and it is the guide they use to make the crucial decisions about how they are going to live and what they are going to believe. There are basically only two world views the Christian world view and the non-Christian world view. Whether is it the debate over whether we were created or simply evolved, whether there is absolute truth and what that truth is, how right and wrong are determined or what happens to a person after death, the Christian world view says one thing and the non-Christian world view says another.

Now, every world view is based on faith and since that faith is only as valid as the evidence upon which it is based, I told you in the first message that the Christian world view is based on the Bible, so the first question we had to raise in this series was "Why Believe The Bible?" and I gave you four reasons why the Bible should be believed and trusted as the Word of God. As I present to you the biblical world view of these hot-button issues you must decide whether to believe it or not. I report; you decide.

Today we are going to take a look at a hot topic (again no pun intended) that when discussed generally generates more heat than light. It is the topic of hell. Recently, hell was in the news in the trial of Scott Peterson. After he was found guilty, Laci's mother, Sharon Rocha spoke directly to him in the sentencing phase of his trial. She looked him right in the eye and spoke these words.

"The fact that you no longer wanted Laci did not give you the right to murder her. She was my daughter. I trusted you and you betrayed me…you betrayed everybody. Did you look her in the eye Scott as you killed her? Was she alive when you put her in the bay? I think of Conner (Laci's unborn son) saying: 'Daddy, please don't kill us. I promise I won't take her away from you. Daddy, please don't. Stop.' Now it is time for you to take responsibility for murdering Laci and Conner, your son, your own flesh and blood....Now Scott Peterson, I say this to you: 'You deserve to burn in hell for all eternity.'"

Mrs. Rocha's last statement raises some huge questions. Is there a hell? The predominant 21st century world view is that hell is a myth. It is not a real place. Does anybody really deserve to go there—forever? Even those that may concede it is a real place say that very few people (if anybody) deserve to go there for all eternity.

John Lennon, the former Beatle, had a smash hit in the early 1970s with a song that included these words.

"Imagine there's no heaven;
It is easy if you try
No Hell below us
Above us only sky." [[1]]

That is exactly what many people say - there is no hell.

Some people believe if there is a hell, it is just "the hell we create on earth." I heard about a young lady who went to her mother crying and her mother said, "What's wrong?" She said, "Mother, I can't marry John. He has a religion that believes there is no hell." Her mother said, "Go ahead and marry him. He'll find out!"

Yet, what is so strange is that even though hell as a real place and a true concept either is dead or in intensive care in our culture, the word "hell" has never been more popular or commonly used.

Consider -
- A teenage driver is known as "Hell on wheels."
- When we witness extreme violence or a major argument we say, "All hell broke loose."
- We say that a bad spouse is "Hell to live with."
- A great effort means you are "Trying like hell."
- If someone is really pumped up about something, they will say, "I am as excited as hell."
- If you want to move quickly, you go like "A bat out of hell."
- The odds of winning the lottery, "A snowball's chance in hell."
- What does the trouble maker do? "Raise hell."
- You threaten someone by saying, "There will be hell to pay."
- If something is very painful people say, "It hurts like hell."
- Before Georgia Tech will beat Georgia again in football, "Hell will freeze over."

So the question is –"Is hell more than just an adjective?"

The question of hell is a hellacious question and every question about hell deserves an answer such as these questions:

Is there a place called hell?
Who will go to hell and why?
How could a loving God send anyone to hell?

As I begin to share with you how the biblical world view differs from the non-biblical world view, I want you to know that I agree wholeheartedly with C. S. Lewis. He said, "There is no doctrine which I would more willingly remove from Christianity than [hell], if it lay in my power….I would pay any price to be able to say truthfully: 'All will be saved.'" [[2]]

A biblical world view does not allow us that luxury, so I want to share with you heaven's view of hell.

I. The Son Of God Affirms The Reality Of Hell

Anyone who knows anything about preachers and preaching, sermonizers and sermons agree that the Sermon on the Mount is perhaps the greatest sermon ever preached. To quote just one man, Franklin Roosevelt said:

I doubt if there is in the world a single problem, whether social, political, or economic, which would not find ready solution if men and nations would rule their lives according to the plain teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. [[3]]

I wonder if President Roosevelt had really read it very much, because Jesus had not gotten very far into the Sermon on the Mount when He makes these statements.

"But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell..." But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell." (Matthew 5:22; 28-30, NASB)

The reason I quote Jesus may shock you but most of what we know about the biblical view of Hell comes from His own lips. Of the 1,850 verses in the New Testament that record the words of Jesus, thirteen percent of them deal with the subject of hell and judgment. Jesus talked more about hell than any other topic. Of the forty-parables that Jesus told, more than half of those parables relate to the concept of hell and God's eternal judgment. The strongest biblical word for hell, the word Gehenna is used twelve times in scripture and eleven times Jesus was the speaker. [[4]]

I have to warn you that the picture that Jesus Christ painted of this place is not pretty. The word Gehenna which is the word used in the verses I just shared with you to describe the eternal destiny of people who spend eternity without God, refers to the Valley of Hinnom, which was located south of Jerusalem. I have been there and I have seen it. In Jesus' day, it was used as a garbage dump where both trash and the bodies of executed criminals were burned. It was the most repugnant place in the entire city.

The reason Jesus compared this place to hell is because hell is a place of unspeakable, incomparable anguish and sorrow. It is a place of emotional anguish. Jesus said in Matthew 13:42, "And [God] will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 13:42, NASB)

Do you know why people are referred to as "gnashing their teeth"? When people wake up in hell, part of the emotional anguish will be expressed by this continual, never-ending gnashing of the teeth, when people realize "I blew it! I should have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I had the opportunity and I rejected Him."

Jesus also said that hell was a place of physical pain. In the verse we just quoted, Jesus referred to hell as a "fiery furnace". Revelation 20:10 says, "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever." (Revelation 20:10, NASB) Whatever else this says and whatever else it means, it is obviously going to be a place of terrible pain.

I know the question arises, "Do you really believe it is a literal lake of fire? Do you really believe it is a fiery furnace? Do you really buy all that fire and brimstone stuff?" My response is whether it is literal or metaphorical, whether the fire and the furnace are real or not, the pain is real, the suffering is real, and the agony is real.

Jesus also said it is a place of relational isolation. In Matthew 25:30, Jesus said hell would be a place of darkness. "Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 25:30, NASB)

It is called a place of darkness, because in hell there is complete isolation. You don't have any friends or any fellowship in hell. There is no partying going on in hell. Hell is a place of ultimate loneliness, because you not only miss any presence of God as you know it now, you don't even experience the presence of friends.

There is no fellowship in hell. There is no companionship in hell. There are no relationships in hell. In essence, hell is the place of eternal solitary confinement.

Jesus also said hell was a place of eternal punishment. "These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." (Matthew 25:46, NASB) Hell is the only place in the universe where there is no hope. Here in this life, we can always say, "We'll get you next time" or "There is always tomorrow" or "Wait ‘til next year." In hell, there is no next time, there is no tomorrow, there is no next year; it is eternal.

Understand – this is not what I am saying about hell, this is what Jesus said. Here is the choice. If there is no hell and what I said to you about hell is not true, then Jesus Christ was neither a great teacher nor a good man. Forget about even being the Son of God, because He lied. So, which world view do you accept? The world view that Jesus gives us in the Word of God or the world view of a post-modernist who says, "Hell is a myth. It's just not real."?

II. The Character Of God Demands The Necessity Of Hell

I want to tackle the burning question that many people have about this whole subject with the favorite statement people make. "A Loving God Would Never Send People To Hell." Believe it or not, that statement (as is) is absolutely true. However, there are three words in that statement that makes it absolutely false.

The first word is "loving". God is a loving God, but He is not loving in the sense that most people use that word today, meaning a sentimental emotion, some warm fuzzy feeling that is tolerant of everything and everybody. God is a loving God, but His love is a holy love. His love is a righteous love. His love is a just love.

God is so loving that He does not want Scott Peterson to go to hell or Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. God Himself said in Ezekiel 33, "As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. I only want them to turn from their wicked ways, so they can live." (Ezekiel 33:11, NLT)

II Peter 3: 9 says, "God does not want anyone to perish, so He is giving more time for everyone to repent." (II Peter 3:9, NLT)

The Bible is very clear, God hates hell and He hates people going there, but God's love is so merciful and so real that He allows people to choose hell if that is what they want.

We all know this world is filled with people who reject God's love every day, who have no desire to worship God's Son, who have no hunger to hear God's Word or fellowship with God's people on earth. Do you understand they would be totally out of place in heaven?

Can you imagine people who have no time for God, no desire for God, no hunger for God, can't stand the thought of going to church and learning about God and hearing the Word of God, dying and ending up in heaven in an eternal church service where 12:00 never comes and you never get out, spending all that time with people who do love God and are praising God and worshipping the God that they never knew and never cared for? In that sense, heaven would be hell for them.

In a real sense, God's love demands a hell. Think about a man proposing to a woman and asking her to marry him. The woman says, "I respect you. I admire you, but I don't love you and I don't want to marry you." Now imagine that he proposes to her a second time and she declines and a third time she declines. Finally, the man says, "You know what? I love you so much I am going to force you to marry me. I am going to force you to spend all of your life with me." Would you agree that really wouldn't be love? You would be exactly right and God's love is never going to force people to choose Him and God's love is never going to force anyone to go to heaven that doesn't want to.

That leads to the second word and that is the word "send". Let me make this as plain as I can. God doesn't send anyone to hell. He simply gives people what they choose. Last week I told you that one of the reasons why there is evil on earth is because God created us with the ability to choose.

If you believe that a human being has the right to choose and the ability to choose, then that demands that you believe in hell. Without hell, there is no choice and without choice heaven would not be heaven. Heaven in reality would be hell. If your choice is only limited to loving God whether you want to or not, and going to heaven whether you want to or not, then there really is no choice at all. Norman Geisler, a great philosopher said that the alternative to hell is worse than hell itself, because it would rob human beings of freedom and dignity by forcing them to go to a heaven they didn't want to go to in the first place and robbing them of their free choice.

Hell is not simply a sentence that God passes on sinners who reject Him. It is the end of a path that is freely chosen in this life (here and now) day by day. To every person on earth who kept God at arm's length who said by their actions, their thoughts, and their hearts, "We don't want any part of you or any part of your son, no part of your salvation, no part of your praise, and no part of your worship, you keep your distance and we will keep ours." God says, "You want distance? I will give you the ultimate distance. I will give you an eternity totally separated from Me."

The real question is this – Why would a loving God force sinners to go to heaven? Hell is simply getting what a person has said all of his life that he wants – No God, because in hell that is exactly what you have -No God. It is simply the eternal fruit of an earthly life that was lived totally apart from God.

then there is the third word, "people" People don't go to hell. Only sinners who refuse to realize they are sinners, repent and turn away from their sins and receive God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ go to hell.

Now we are going to get to the crux of the issue of why unrepentant, unforgiven sinners do go to hell. According to the Bible what is the most horrible sinful thing a person can ever do in this life? Believe it or not, it is not murder. It is not rape. It is not homosexuality. It is not fornication. It is not treason. It is not incest. It is not child molestation. There is no question, all of these are absolutely horrible, but they cannot compare to the mocking, dishonoring, and rejecting of the supreme love of a God that went to such great lengths to save us that He sent His own Son to die for our sins.

The ultimate sin is when a person goes through his entire life, constantly ignoring God, constantly rejecting God, continuing to live without God and saying in essence, "I couldn't care less about what you put me here to do. I couldn't care less about your will for my life. I couldn't care less that your son, Jesus Christ, died for me. I am not interested."

If you don't think that is really a big deal and if you don't think rejecting Jesus Christ deserves that type of punishment, listen to this description of what a person is really doing when they fail to respond to God's offer of salvation. "Think how much more terrible the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God and have treated the blood of the covenant as if it were common and unholy. Such people have insulted and enraged the Holy Spirit who brings God's mercy to His people." (Hebrews 10:29, NLT)

The Greek word for "trampled" was used to describe something like salt which was considered worthless, because it had lost its flavor and simply thrown on the roads to be trampled by feet. In essence, the person who rejects the Gospel of Jesus Christ and refuses to surrender their life to Him is basically saying that His death on the cross and His blood is absolutely worthless and meaningless. It is the attitude of a Ted Turner, who once said, "I don't want anybody to die for me. I've had a few drinks and a few girlfriends and if that's gonna put me in hell, well, then so be it." You may sit there and say you don't have that same type of attitude, but in essence, you really do if you die having refused Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Incidentally, don't get the idea that if people in hell had a second chance they would do the right thing about Jesus Christ. C. S. Lewis said, "I willingly believe the damned are in one sense successful rebels to the end; that the doors of hell are locked on the inside." [[5]] Even in hell people would not choose to go to heaven, because in order to do that they would have to do the one thing they definitely did not want to do on earth. Billy Graham could preach a crusade every day for one billion years in hell and nobody would ever, ever be saved.

Understand, to deny hell is to deny the love of God, the mercy of God, the holiness of God, the justice of God and finally the grace of God because -

III. The Grace Of God Saves From The Penalty Of Hell

I am going to give you a little known fact that I want you to think about. God never prepared hell for you and me. Jesus said in Matthew 25:41, "Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels." (Matthew 25:41, NASB)

This place called hell was designed for the devil and his angels, not for human beings. That is why God sent Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins, so that through His grace and by our faith in the Son of God and His death on the cross, we could receive forgiveness for our sins.

Speaking of the cross, if you still sit there and refuse to believe what Jesus said about hell, then answer this question. If there is no hell or if somehow everybody pretty much is going to wind up in heaven, why the cross of Jesus Christ? To the question - How could a loving God send people to hell?, I ask: How could a loving God send His son to die on the cross when He didn't have to? The truth is nothing short of the reality of hell can explain the cross of Jesus Christ.

Do you understand that hell is exactly what Jesus Christ suffered on the cross, when He took the sins of the entire world and for the only time in His eternal existence, experienced what it was like to be totally cut off and totally separated from a loving God? The only difference is where He said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?" People in hell will be saying for all eternity, "O God, O God I know why you have forsaken me—because I rejected You."

That is why I want to talk about one last misconception about hell. Most people believe basically two things (if they do believe in hell) about who is going there and who is not.

Rule #1 – The good people go to heaven.
Rule #2- The bad people go to hell.

Let's face it. At first blush that sounds fair. It sounds simple. It sounds like a good idea. The only problem is that is not what the Bible says.

Do you know why? If good people went to heaven, heaven would be an empty place, because the Bible says there really aren't any good people when you compare good people to the holiness of a perfect God. Ecclesiastes 7:20 says, "Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins." (Ecclesiastes 7:20, NASB)

The non-biblical world view says that good people can find God, but bad people can't. The Christian world view is so much better. Do you know what the Gospel of Jesus Christ says? It says it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done. It doesn't matter how bad or how wicked you've been. Any time you want to, you can come to God, accept His Son, Jesus Christ, and His grace can forgive you. His blood can cover you and His love can save you.

Two men were sitting in a restaurant. One man got absolutely angry at the other man and said to him, "Go to hell." A Christian, who was reading his Bible, happened to be sitting in the next booth and he turned around and tapped this man on the shoulder and said, "I've been reading the directions and you don't have to go if you don't want to."

That is the message of the Bible. You don't have to go if you don't want to. There is a word here for all of us today. If you are an unbeliever, hell is real, but God didn't create hell for you and you can go to heaven if you will receive Jesus Christ and His forgiveness.

If you are a believer, you ought to live every day rejoicing in your salvation, thankful that you are going to heaven and grateful to God that His grace has found you.

For our church, we need to remember every time we meet that we are not a country-club where we come here to socialize for a couple of hours, take a spiritual break, catch up on the week with a few friends and leave. We are a place of rescue, where people should be able to come and find the greatest news they will ever hear and that is - there is a way out of hell and a way into heaven named Jesus Christ who is available to anyone who wants Him.

[1] Song 'Imagine' on album Imagine produced by John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Phil Specter, EMI Records.

[2] Cited by Larry Dixon, The Other Side of the Good News (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1992) p. 45.


[4] John Blanchard, Whatever Happened To Hell?, pp. 128-129.

[5] Max Lucado, When Christ Comes, p. 123.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt