You Can Read All Day
Matthew 22:34-40
by Philip W. McLarty

The story is told of a little boy whose father taught mechanical engineering at a prestigious university.  One day he came in the back door and asked his mother, “What time is it?"  She wasn't wearing a watch; plus, she was busy, so she said, “Your father's in the living room, go ask him."  The little boy shrugged his shoulders and said, “Never mind.  I don't want to know how to make a watch; I just want to know what time it is!"

When it comes to religion and our understanding of the Christian faith, I suspect there are times when we all feel like this little boy. For example, there are sixty-six books of the Bible.  Many of them are long and complex.  For each book of the Bible there are commentaries explaining every nuance of every verse.

If that weren't enough, there are books on just about every conceivable topic of the Bible. There are books on church doctrine, Christian ethics and the history of Christianity.  There are books on worship, mission, education, stewardship and prayer. Christian writers are all too happy to tell you how to improve your prayer life, your sex life, your golf score and your investment portfolio.

O.K., maybe I'm exaggerating just a little bit. The point is you could read all day, every day, for the rest of your life and still not make a dent in the mountain of information available on understanding the Christian faith and what it means to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. So, as much as love the mechanical intricacies of the watch, sometimes I just want to know the time. I just want to walk with Him.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., The Christian Shema, by Philip W. McLarty