by John H. Krahn

Winston Churchill was a member of a Master of Ceremonies club. He won every time there was a contest. He could speak on any topic at any time. They thought they had him one day when without notice they gave him the topic, "Sex." He rose and said, "Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure," then he sat down.

Sex as mere physical gratification can be fun in many instances. I would imagine that an affair can be quite exciting ... at least for a time. Although sex is most pleasurable, it is only good in the confines of marriage. In this context and in this context alone is sex permissible in God’s sight. God only permits good sex.

"Thou shalt not commit adultery," God says to us. To adulterate is to add a foreign substance and thus spoil something that is intended to be pure and holy. It is perversion of the good by mixing it with something less. The result of such mixing pollutes, weakens, and often destroys that which God created pure and holy.

As people all of us are vulnerable to bad sex. Many have a sexual problem. For some it is lust, for others it is having affairs, sleeping with a girlfriend or boyfriend, or reading pornographic literature.

To overcome our problem, we must first admit we can’t handle our weak flesh alone. Then we should come to God and honestly say, "Help me, Lord." And he will, because he loves us. Jesus will help us see people as love-objects rather than as lust-objects. In Christ the goal of dating becomes a relationship of giving, not taking. The Lord helps us restrict sexual intercourse to marriage because it is his intention that we become "one flesh" in a total union which includes mind, spirit, will, and body.

Save sex for marriage. After you’re married, keep it in the confines of marriage. It is a beautiful gift from God ... don’t misuse it ... keep it good.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn