The Little Things In Life
by Staff

Do the little things in life make you happy? In an informal survey, economist Harry Biederman asked 400 people exactly what those little things were. They said:

-Having the elevator to my office go nonstop to the right floor.

-Having my date unlock the door on my side after I help her into the car.

-Having the rare experience of driving home from work and not being irritated by other drivers.

-Seeing my children after work and having them pounce on me....

Not surprisingly, family life makes most people the happiest. Sex, on the other hand, came up dead last on the list. Doesn't sex make people happy? Yes, it probably does, says Biederman. But it's of such an intimate nature that people don't discuss it readily. "If a checklist had been provided for the survey, I'm sure sex would have ranked near the top," he says. PSYCHOLOGY TODAY

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Staff