The Mighty Have Fallen
by Michael P. Green

Anyone who has witnessed the felling of a giant redwood tree is left with a feeling of sadness. As the saw moves through the heart of the giant, it begins to sag down on the side where the wound is gaping. Presently, it is apparent that the tree is beginning to lean away from the cutters. They continue their work a moment longer; then is heard the cracking of wood fibers in front of the saw’s teeth. Another swish of the saw, and the noises increase. The sounds, getting even more rapid, presently become a continuous roar. Then, if you are standing nearby, and the tree is large, you will get the impression that everything above is coming to earth. The great mass starts slowly to topple, crackling and exploding even louder at the base, until it comes sprawling down with a fearful momentum.

The mighty can fall. The deadly saw of appetite or lust or passion steadily cut away the supports underneath until, what once was great, comes crashing down to earth.

Baker Books, 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, by Michael P. Green