What A Difference A Day Makes
Psalm 100:1-5
by Brett Blair

There was an email that went viral the week of Sept of 11th. It was called "What a Difference a Day Makes." It is particularly appropriate during our national holiday of Thanksgiving:

  • On Monday, we e-mailed jokes.
  • On Tuesday, we did not.
  • On Monday, we were fussing about praying in school.
  • On Tuesday, we would have been hard pressed to find a school where someone was not praying.
  • On Monday, our heroes were athletes.
  • On Tuesday, we relearned who heroes are.
  • On Monday, there were people trying to separate us by race, sex, color, and creed.
  • On Tuesday, we were all holding hands.
  • On Monday, we were irritated that our rebate checks had not arrived.
  • On Tuesday, we gave money away gladly to people we had never met.
  • On Monday, we were upset that we had to wait 5 minutes in a fast food line.
  • On Tuesday, we stood in line for 3 to 5 hours to give blood for the dying.
  • On Monday, we argued with our kids to clean up their rooms.
  • On Tuesday, we couldn't get home fast enough to hug our kids.
  • On Monday, we went to work as usual.
  • On Tuesday, we went to work, but some of us didn't come home.
  • On Monday, we had families.
  • On Tuesday, we had orphans.
  • On Monday, September 10th, life felt routine.
  • On Tuesday, September 11th, it did not.

What a difference a day makes.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair