Quetions Not to Ask
by Editor James S. Hewett

A little girl was talking to her grandmother. She asked, "Grandma, how old are you?"

The grandmother replied, "Now dear, you shouldn't ask people that question. Most grown-ups don't like to tell their age."

The following day, the girl had another question. "Grandma, how much do you weigh?"

Once again, the grandmother replied, "Oh, honey, you shouldn't ask grown-ups how much they weigh. It isn't polite."

The next day the little girl was back with a big smile on her face. She said, "Grandma, I know how old you are, you're sixty-two. And you weigh 140 pounds."

The grandmother was a bit surprised and said, "My goodness, how do you know?" The girl smiled and said, "You left your driver's license on the table, and I read it."

Grandmother said, "Oh, so that's how you found out."

The girl said, "That's right, and I also saw on your driver's license that you flunked sex."

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett