The Truth Was Hatched
John 3:1-21
by James Weekly

In his book "Habitation of Dragons," Keith Miller shares an experience about a conference he conducted for the deacons of a large church. He brought along two of his friends who had guilt problems with adultery. They opened the discussion on the topic of difficulties that come with extramarital sex, and how they were driven to a deeper relationship with God. 

That evening the minister of the church was disturbed over the topic of discussion. "I'm afraid you have the wrong group, Mr. Miller. These men I brought here are converted Christians ... If you keep dealing with these kinds of personal problems, I'm afraid you will lose our group's attention altogether." Before going to bed that evening Keith prayed with his friends about the problem. Shortly, there was a knock on his door. One of the deacons came by to counsel about his personal sexual difficulties. Within the next few hours others came by to talk about similar problems. Having shared the millstone of guilt with one who was open and caring, truth was hatched.

CSS Publishing Company, Tilted Haloes, by James Weekly