John 18:1-11 · Jesus Arrested
The Cross Question: Am I Not To Drink The Cup?
John 18:1-11
by Maxie Dunnam

John Milton was one of the great English poets. In 1629, he wrote his ever lovely, "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity."

A year later, he attempted to write a companion poem to it on "The Passion." After some eight toilsome verses had been written, he gave it up. Sometime later, he wrote these words about the unfinished poem: "The subject the author finding to be above the years he had when he wrote it, and nothing satisfied with what was begun, left it unfinished."

Today, many Christians are also powerless to explain or to put into words the meaning of the Cross. But no preacher can leave the matter unfinished as John Milton did. There is something haunting about it which will not let us put it aside.

When Walker Railey was pastor of First United Methodist Church in Dallas, they had a huge, crude wooden cross on the lawn in front of the church during Lent.

One day he received a telephone call -- and when he answered it, a voice on the other end said emphatically, "For God's sake, Reverend, can't you do something with that dreadful cross out in front of your church?

The caller was a woman who had visited the Dallas Museum of Art across the street, and was bothered by the contrast between the loveliness of the culture in the Museum and the ugliness in front of the church.

"For God's sake, Reverend, can't you do something about that dreadful cross?

At first, the pastor thought of reminding her that three years ago the Museum had a huge piece of sculpture in front of the building which was named the Gates of Hell. If they can have "The Gates of Hell" over there, he wanted to ask her, why couldn't the church have "the Old Rugged Cross" across the street. But he let that though pass him.

The woman didn't want to debate. She simply wanted the cross taken down because it seemed so out of place on the busy, beautiful corner where the church stood.

The woman is not alone. There have always been folks who do not understand why we erect crosses, much less preach about them. Human wisdom has never comprehended God's purpose in using the Cross. Yet for over 2,000 years that ugly symbol of execution has been the focal point for one generation of Christians after another. That is why the Apostle Paul wrote in I Corinthians 1:18:

"For the message about the cross is, I know, nonsense to those who are involved in this dying world, but to us who are being saved from that death it is nothing less that the power of God." (NSRV)

Phillips translates it this way: "The preaching of the cross is, I know, nonsense to those who are involved in this dying world, but to us who are being saved from that death it is nothing less than the power of God."

So, today, on this Palm Sunday, as we enter Holy Week, and as we continue our series of questions Jesus asked, our is The Cross question.

There are few scenes, if any, in the New Testament, which show us so clearly the qualities of Jesus as the scene in our scripture lesson -- his arrest in the Garden. Let's get that picture clearly in our mind:

It shows us Jesus courage. Jesus didn't run away or hide when his enemies came with their torches looking for him in the garden. They didn't need torches. He was there in the moonlit openness for all to see.

Not only courage, it shows us his authority. Did you note it in our Scripture lesson? He was one, lonely, unarmed figure. They came in numbers and power. He asked them, "Who are you looking for?" They responded, "Jesus of Nazareth." With boldness, Jesus said, "I am He." What happened then? Scripture says "They drew back and fell to the ground." There was authority in his very being.

The scene shows us that Jesus chose to die. It is clear that he could have escaped death if he had so wished. He could have walked through them and gone his way. But he did not. He even helped his enemies to arrest him. He chose to die.

The scene also shows his utter obedience. "Shall I not drink the cup that God has given me to drink?" This was God's will, and that was enough. Jesus was himself faithful unto death" (William Barclay, The Gospel of John, Vol. 2, The Daily Study Bible Series, Westminster Press, pp. 223-224).

It is this last quality of Jesus -- his utter obedience -- that raises the Cross Question: "Am I to drink the cup the Father has given me?" Today is Palm Sunday, and today we enter Holy Week. On this day Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, having set his face steadfastly to go there. The Cross loomed ahead, and Jesus faltered not even a single second in moving on. So today we continue our sermon series on Questions Jesus asks by talking about The Cross Question.

Generally, the Gospels present the Cross as Jesus' lowest point of humiliation and degredation. But not John's Gospel. John presents it as the highest point of Jesus' Glory.

Earlier in the evening before his arrest in the garden, Jesus was in the Upper Room with his disciples celebrating Passover together. He confronted Judas with the fact that he was going to betray him. He even gave Judas the command, "Do quickly what you are going to do," and the scripture says that after Judas had received the bread, he went out into the night.

Jesus knew where he was going, what he was going to do, and what it was going to result in -- His own crucifixion -- the Cross. When this happened with Judas, Jesus said, "Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him" (John 13: 31 NSRV).

So, John presents the Cross as the highest point of Jesus' Glory.

Of course, both aspects of the Cross are true. The Cross does sound the very lowest depths of Christ's humiliation, but it also presents the most gleaming culmination of His Glory.

Let's focus on John's perception -- the Cross -- as the ultimate glory of Jesus. In what sense is it that? In what way did the Cross glorify Christ? I'd like to suggest two ways.


One, it was the revelation of his heart. The revelation of God in Jesus Christ on the Cross tells us that there is more love in God than sin in us. Let me repeat that: THE REVELATION OF GOD IN JESUS CHRIST ON THE CROSS TELLS US THAT THERE IS MORE LOVE IN GOD THAN SIN IN US.

It is quite possible for us to become so aware of our wretched tendency that we grow oblivious to God's redemptive capacity. Jesus did not die on Calvary simply to fulfill prophecy from the Old Testament. Neither did he suffer and die only as a human sacrifice to appease an angry deity. The Bible clearly and frequently says that ours is a God of love and mercy. Jesus died on the Cross to show the extent to which God will go to reveal to those of us in the world just how much we are loved. The Cross is one of the most dramatic reminders of God's unmerited and unending Grace. That is why we call the day of his crucifixion, Good Friday.

One of my favorite stories about the Pope is that he was preaching to a great throng of people in St. Peter's Square. He said, "The other night while I was praying, the Lord gave me some good news and bad news." The good news is that the Lord is going to return by next Sunday." The people applauded wildly. Then the Pope said, "The bad news is that he is real mad."

At the Cross, we are assured there is more love in God than sin in us. That is what Oscar Wilde had in mind when he said, "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."

Armando Valladares wrote the following words in his own blood from the Cuban prison where he was at the point of death:

"They have stripped me of everything -- well, almost everything -- because the smile stays with me.

And the pride of feeling that I am a free man and in my soul there is a garden of perennial little flowers.

They don't want me to write.

They strip me of pins and pencils, but I've been left with the ink of my life: my own blood with which I will write poems.

Jesus was also stripped of all his earthly possessions, and hung on the Cross to die. And it was there that he shed his own blood -- the ink of life -- for the sake of writing poetry inside our abundant and love so abounding, it sounds almost too good to be true. But it is true, and it is truth. There is more love in God than sin in us.

The church must always be trying to act that out. Will Willimon in his book What's Right With The Church tells of a church in Greenville, South Carolina, where a sixteen-year-old girl, who had been involved in the youth program, who had come from a troubled family background and who was struggling to make it on her own, became pregnant, gave birth to the baby and determined to raise it herself. She came to her pastor and asked to have the baby baptized. Because baptism celebrates what God does for us with grace in Jesus Christ, the Pastor agreed to baptize her child. On the day of her baptism, the pastor called a couple in the congregation who were in their sixties to come forward. He said to them, "Now we are going to baptize this baby and bring it into the family of God. What I want you to do is to raise this baby, and while you are doing it, help raise the Momma with him, because the Momma right now needs you. If you need any of us, let us know. We are here, too. It's our child, also." And the couple did what they were challenged to do. That church in Greenville, South Carolina was on the front line holding people in the love of Jesus.

Do you think there might be fewer abortions in our world if young women who became pregnant out of wedlock knew that there was a community of faith to which they could turn who would love them and support them and enable them to rear their children -- that there would be a community of faith who would support them through their fears and anxieties in being parents altogether too young.

Let's not forget it. The revelation of God in Jesus Christ which we see on the Cross tells us that there is more love in God than there is sin in us.


Now a second way the Cross glorified Christ. It was the throne of his saving power. (I owe these two thoughts of the Cross glorifying Christ to Alexander Maclaren, Expositions of Holy Scripture, Vol. 1, pp. 201-204).

It's amazing how things that are together don't go together.

Once, when I was on Study Leave, I drove by the Panama City campus of Florida State University. On a big bulletin board -- I mean a huge bulletin board our in the middle of the campus near the street -- there was the short-term offerings of evening adult education. And in bold headlines these two courses were listed. "Overcoming Divorce" was the first one; the second one was "How to Handle Handguns."

Those two things didn't seem to go together. Halford E. Luccock used to laugh at the denominational hymnal had as Number 364, "Jesus Demands My All"; then, at the bottom of the page, it read, "For an easier version, see Number 365".

Friends, there is not only no easier version for eternal salvation, there is no other version than the Cross of Jesus Christ.

A preacher in Texas, I think, wrote me a letter expressing his opposition to the position I had taken in my Denman Lectures on Evangelism. The point that he argued against was my contention that what we think of Jesus Christ will determine what we do about evangelism. I was pleading for a recovery of belief and commitment to the uniqueness of Christ as God's way of salvation for all humankind. I was also calling into question the belief in universal salvation.

The fellow shared a story from a lecture he had heard over 20 years ago. The only thing he remembered about it was the exchange between the theological lecturer and an overly enthusiastic super evangelical student. The student asked the impertinent question, "When were you saved?"

The professor thought for a moment. "When was I saved?", he asked rhetorically, then paused for what seemed minutes but was only seconds. "I was saved two thousand years ago."

The writer used this to argue against the point of my questioning universal salvation that eventually everyone is going to be saved. I take it as a supportive story -- our salvation occurred two thousand years ago -- on the Cross of Jesus. The Cross is the throne of Christ's saving power.

Do you remember the words of the liturgy of Holy Communion? Jesus Christ who made there, by the offering of Himself, a full, sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.

That's all there is -- and that's all we need.

The hands of Christ seem very frail,for they were broken by a nail,but only the reach Heaven at last,whom those frail broken hands hold fast.

The Cross confronts the sin of our life, shows us there is more love in God than in sin in us; and becomes God's gift for our eternal salvation.

In one of Alfred Lord Tennyson's letters, written from the Village of Noblethorpe, in Lincolnshire, he told of staying in the home of tow devout Methodists. Upon arriving at the house, he asked his hostess for news. "Why Mr. Tennyson," she replied, "there is only one piece of news that I know: That Christ died for all people."

Somewhat surprised, the renowned poet responded, "Well, that's old news and new news and good news."

So it is; so it shall always be. The Cross is the throne of Christ's saving grace. And, as the revelation of God in Jesus dying on that cross, it tells us that there is more love in God than sin in us.

REMEMBER THIS: Every saint has a past...none of us is without sin...But every sinner has a future. There is more love in God than sin in us.

Maxie Dunnam, by Maxie Dunnam