Forgiveness Is for Heroes
Matthew 18:21-35
by Edward F. Markquart

Sometimes people say that forgiveness is intended to speak to individuals but not to nations. I feel differently about this. I see the cycle of violence and revenge repeated between ethnic groups and nations. We clearly see this escalating cycle of violence and revenge between the Palestinians and the Israelis, between the nations of Pakistan and India, between the USA and Russia during the Cold War. So many nations get into this pattern and cycle of escalating revenge and violence. "You bomb me and I will bomb you back even worse. You kill some of my citizens and I will kill even more of your citizens." We witness a gradually escalating scale of violence. Sometimes, people can use the language of justice simply as verbal cover-up for revenge.

Forgiveness is for heroes, because true forgiveness takes great courage of heart. Thomas Kepler once wrote that "forgiveness is for heroes." Lawrence Stern, the eighteenth century novelist, wrote that "only the brave know how to forgive." Only the brave know how to forgive, because forgiveness takes great courage when everyone around you is shouting for a "pound of flesh" and revenge. C. S. Lewis wrote that "everybody thinks forgiveness is a good idea until they have something serious to forgive."

Forgiveness Is for Heroes, by Edward F. Markquart