Hard to Resist
1 Cor 4
by King Duncan
Listen to how Dr. L. H. Hough describes the change in the Apostle Paul’s life: “Paul became literally the most vital man in the Roman Empire. He had a somewhat definite system of thought, for his mind was, by nature and discipline, orderly, but it was his vitality which triumphed as he traveled about the Mediterranean Sea. Men might have resisted his arguments. They could not resist the light in his eyes. They could not resist the joy which throbbed in his voice. They could not resist the triumph which gleamed in his face. They could not resist the dauntless courage of his activity. They could not resist the quenchless zeal of his personality. They could not resist the shining goodness of his character.”
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan