by Maxie Dunnam

If I had to pick a word to describe our time, high on the list would be the word bored.  Clifton Faddiman has described our boredom as a special kind -- “not unhappiness, not fatigue, but that odd, modern, stunned look that comes from a surfeit of toys and a deficiency of thought.”  He got us, didn’t he?  Think about that in light of the daily routine interests of your life.

A surfeit of toys.  With what do you surround your life and for what purpose?

A deficiency of thought.  What challenging ideas have you pursued lately?  What probing possibilities for growth have you been considering?

To be a whole person and to overcome our boredom, two things are essential.  First, we need a faith to live by.  Second, we need a cause to live for.  Without these we will continue to betray our emptiness with that “odd, modern, stunned look that comes from a surfeit of toys and a deficiency of thought.”

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam