Who Is That with John?
Matthew 3:1-12
by Jim Kerner

Larry was sick and tired of his friend Stan's constant name-dropping and boasting of how famous he was. The day finally came when Larry could take it no more. He told Stan, "If you're so famous and know so many important people phone the White House and get the President on the line."

Stan shrugged and walked to the phone. He punched in a number and handed the phone to Larry. The familiar voice greeted him with the words, "Hello, this is the President of the United States. How may I help you?"

Larry was convinced that it was either an accident or a put on. He said, "Well, that was impressive. But if you are really important, call Buckingham Palace and let me talk to the queen."

With a bored sigh, Stan took the phone, punched in a number, and again gave Larry the receiver. "Hello," came a distinctive voice,"This is the Queen of England speaking."

Larry was very impressed but still suspicious. He said, "All right, you happen to know the President and the Queen of England. But if you're really a big shot, get the Pope on the phone."

Stan promised to do better than that. He took Larry to the airport and both men boarded a plane for Rome. When they arrived in Rome they took a taxi cab to the Vatican. They came into St. Peter's Square. Upon arriving there, Stan walked away, leaving Larry to mill about in the large crowd waiting for the Pope's afternoon greeting from the balcony.

Suddenly a reverent hush fell over the crowd. Larry looked up at the balcony where Stan and the Pope stood side by side. Larry almost fell over in shock. Before he could recover from his amazement, a man standing beside him poked him in the ribs and asked, "Hey, who's that standing up there with Stan?"

People often have the same problem with John the Baptist; they don't exactly know who he is and what his relation to Jesus is. They become confused and mistake him and his purpose with that of the Messiah.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, Inc., by Jim Kerner