Ordinary People
John 18:28-40, John 18:1-11
by Brett Blair & John C. Purdy

In the story of the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus we do not have a rascally, villainous cast of characters. We have ordinary soldiers, policemen, officials, priests, magistrates, and citizens - all doing what soldiers, police, officials, priests, and zealous citizens do every day. It is the usual "morality play," with a suspected criminal, arresting officers, prosecutors, a trial, and sentencing. With the exception of Jesus, none of the actors appear to be sterling characters. They are ordinary human beings, with a fair measure of hypocrisy and callousness. But each carries out with fidelity the role that society has assigned to him or her.

All of it tends to make the assassination of Jesus pointless. The great passion play we know it to be wasn't even close to being on the minds of the people involved in the process, Even the disciples think that Jesus was a would be political king that failed. But isn't that life. So often we fail to see the great movements of history until they are over and we analyse what's happened and why. 

God with a Human Face, by Brett Blair & John C. Purdy