Isaiah 63:7--64:12 · Praise and Prayer
Oh, That You Would Come Down?
Isaiah 63:7--64:12
by King Duncan

The Guinness Book of World Records keeps track of some very unusual records. The 1999 edition contains one entry titled “The longest time living in a tree.” It seems a man in Indonesia named Bungkas went up a tree in 1970 and has been there ever since. He lives in a crude tree house he made from the branches and leaves of the trees.

No one knows exactly why he took up residence in a tree, but 29 years later he was still there. Neighbors, friends and family have repeatedly tried to get him to come down, but he won’t. (1)

I can hear them urging him now. “Come down, Bungkas, come down.” But he doesn’t budge.

That’s an unusual story for this First Sunday of Advent, but it reminds me of today’s lesson from the Old Testament. The prophet Isaiah cries out to God, “Oh, that you would rend the h…

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Dynamic Preaching Fourth Quarter Sermons, by King Duncan