Live Churches
by Staff

Living, breathing churches are always going to have more problems and tension, than churches that are dead. Churches can be alive and well without growth but they need programs and services. Here's a list of contrasts: 

  • Live churches' expenses are always more than their income; dead churches don't need much money!
  • Live churches have parking problems; Dead churches have empty spaces!
  • Live churches may have some noisy children; Dead churches are quiet as a cemetery.
  • Live churches keep changing their ways of doing things; Dead churches see no need for change!
  • Live churches grow so fast you can't keep up with people's names; In dead churches everybody always knows everybody's name.
  • Live churches strongly support world missions; Dead churches keep the money at home!
  • Live churches are full of regular, cheerful givers; Dead churches are full of grudging tippers!
  • Live churches move ahead on prayer and faith; Dead churches work only on sight!
  • Live churches plant daughter churches; Dead churches fear spending the money, time, and talent!
  • Live churches outgrow their Sunday School facilities; Dead churches have room to spare!
  • Live churches welcome all classes of people; Dead churches stick to their own kind!
  • Live churches' members read their Bibles and bring them to church; Dead churches' members seldom do!
  • Live churches' members enthusiastically support the ministries; Dead churches have no ministries only functions!
  • Live churches' members look for someone they can help; Dead churches' members look for something to complain about!
  • Live churches' members reach out to share their faith in Christ; Dead churches' members don't have enough to share!
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Illustrations from ChristianGlobe, by Staff