by John H. Krahn

Christians have practiced meditation for centuries. In the book of Psalms we read, "I will meditate on all thy work, and muse on thy mighty deeds." In an effort to clear the mind of distractions during meditation, monks have focused on a crucifix. Other forms of meditation tell you to focus on the tip of your nose, or to comtemplate your navel. And some will tell you to use a chant or a mantra.

Since Yoga and Transcendental Meditation have their bases in the non-Christian religion Hinduism, we must be careful that we are not offending the name of the Triune God by practicing them. Better to do Christian meditation and achieve all the physical and psychological benefits of worshiping the Triune God.

Most people who practice meditation are seeking peace in a confused world. But only Jesus Christ is unequaled in ability to produce peace at the deepest level. Therefore, it makes great sense to meditate on him and the mighty acts of God. All other forms are second best. The psalmist has it together when he says, "I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord, yea I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate on all thy work and muse on thy mighty deeds."

Meditation has always been a form of prayer practiced by God’s people. It follows that each of us should consider Christian meditation as a means of encountering God and being blessed by him. Let me suggest several steps that might help you get into Christian meditation. First, find a time and a place where you can be alone with God. Maybe you’ll have to get up fifteen minutes earlier to do it. Be patient as you begin, you will get better at it with practice. Decide you’ll try it for a month before deciding if it is a helpful prayer form for you. Take several deep breaths and relax as you begin. Think, "I am alone with God, all is well." Next, cleanse your mind of any sins that may be separating you from God. Believe he is anxious to forgive you. Then confess them. Thank him for his forgiveness. Then think of God’s greatness and love. Now put your self-will in gear and say, "God, I’m ready to hear anything you want to say to me." Then listen. Dialogue with him about your life and ministry, for one of the purposes of meditation is to help you make your life and the world a more beautiful place.

Christian meditation really works. I commend it to you, for it creates a mind-set where God can send his signals through to you. Contemplate neither your nose nor your navel but meditate upon the Lord of every day. Invite his hand upon your life.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn