Prayers for Strength
John 17:6-19
by King Duncan

Terry Anderson is no stranger to difficult times. He was held hostage longer than anyone else in Beirut: for seven long years. Not everyone would have been able to survive what Terry did, day after day, week after week, year after year. Terry will be the first to tell you that he survived because of prayer.

After a month of captivity, Terry and the other hostages were given Bibles. With nothing else to occupy his time, Terry read and reread the Bible. He was particularly drawn to the Apostle Paul. Paul struggled with his weakness and his pride just as Terry did. And through Paul's struggles, Terry drew closer to Christ and was able to express his love of God.

He was also given another book while being held as a hostage, a book on prayer. But it was not as helpful. The author claimed that prayer is always answered. But Terry says, "I'm not sure anymore that it is even right to ask for anything, except patience and strength to endure whatever comes, and help in understanding."

Terry's experience was extreme, of course. But he speaks as one with authority. The one prayer that God always answers is a prayer for the strength to endure. Jesus prayed for the apostles so that they would find strength during their times of suffering. That was a prayer that was answered time and time again. It's a prayer that some of us have prayed as well. God is faithful. He will not forget us in our time of need.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan