Your God Is Too Small
Mark 5:21-43
by Harold H. Lentz

The woman with the issue of blood was filled with faith. She really believed that by simply touching the hem of Christ's garment a miracle could be effected. She is an example to us of great faith, and how it is rewarded.

We may be committed and praying Christians, but do we think large enough thoughts about God? Do we really believe that God can do anything? Year's ago there was a book titled: Your God Is Too Small. That title is a wake-up challenge to all of us. If we believe in an all-powerful God, it should be reflected in the confidence with which we turn to God in prayer. "Ask and you shall receive," Jesus urged. Yet we often wonder whether or not God can really help us. Wake up to the power which God possesses, power he has promised to use on our behalf.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Preaching The Miracles, by Harold H. Lentz