Give Your Delimma To The Lord
John 2:1-11
by Keith Smith

Dr. Charles Stanley, a prominent minister of a large church in Atlanta, tells the story of a time when their church needed two million dollars to relocate to a larger facility. The only problem was they didn't have the money. One day, the board members told Dr. Stanley to get a loan from the bank because the deal sounded good. However, Dr. Stanley told the group that they needed divine direction, so they all packed their gear and took off for a state park for the weekend for a time of prayer. All weekend they prayed earnestly that God would give them direction and help them resolve the problem that they were facing.

When they finally left the park, they still didn't have any clear direction about how to purchase the building. But they were committed to waiting on God. A few days later, Dr. Stanley had a message to call a man He had never met. He lived in another state. The man said that he wanted to help Dr. Stanley's ministry.

Immediately, Dr. Stanley called him back, and the stranger said, "I have had you and your ministry on my mind the past several days. I notice that you never ask for money on the broadcast, and I was wondering if you have any needs."

Dr. Stanley explained the situation about the building and how they needed two million dollars to purchase it. The stranger said, "I think I can handle that." And he gave that church two million dollars. That church had a problem; they gave their problem to Jesus; and their problem was solved.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Anything Is Possible with Jesus, by Keith Smith