John 1:35-42 · Jesus’ First Disciples
Fishing Buddies
John 1:35-42, John 1:43-51
by James Merritt

When two people get married, the man, as you know, plays the part of the groom and the woman plays the part of the bride. From the very beginning of this union, anybody can see an outstanding difference already between the perspective groom and the perspective bride. All the bride can think about and all the bride is excited about is the wedding. From the time she gets the ring and sets the date, she and usually her mother and about forty-five hundred other women eat, breath, and sleep the wedding. It is all consuming. It is 24/7 flowers, food, dresses, colors, the ceremony, the cake, the reception, the minister, the rehearsal, and the music. The job of the groom during these pre-wedding days is very simple – fake interest and stay out of the way.

The groom is totally different. He only thinks about one thing and gets excited about one thing and that is the honeymoon. He is ready to have the bride all to himself. After he says, "I do", two words in his mind are "hot dog!"

The reason I bring that up is the church is called the bride of Christ. When a person becomes a follower of Christ, he becomes a part of His bride. That raises this question. Why doesn't Jesus take His bride immediately to heaven to be with Him? To put it another way, once you become a follower of Christ, a part of His bride, a part of His body, a part of His family, why does He leave you here instead of taking you to heaven? I am convinced the primary reason we are left on this earth is to fulfill what is known as the "Great Commission" which is the command of Jesus Christ to go out and make disciples of all people. In other words, we have been left here to fish.

We can spend all eternity worshipping God, singing to God, praying to God, loving God, learning from God, serving God, but only here and only now do we have the chance to fish for people and to reach people for Christ.

We are in the middle of a series that I've entitled "Deep Soul Fishing." I told you last week that Jesus said to his first disciples, "Follow Me and I will make you become fishers of men." He was telling us that followers fish. The reason that this subject is so important is this.

Everybody is going to spend eternity somewhere.

We have been left on this earth to try to get as many people as we can to spend eternity with us and Jesus in heaven.

If you are a follower of Christ, you are here today because somebody went fishing. But,, but Jesus never meant for fishing to be a solo expedition. Jesus wants us to be His fishing buddies.

In the first chapter of the Gospel of John, we read how some of the very first followers of Jesus became His fishing buddies and they give us a clue on how we can be His fishing buddies as well.

I. We Must Involve Ourselves In Cultivating Relationships

"Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God!" The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, "What do you seek?" They said to Him, "Rabbi" (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), "where are You staying?" He said to them, "Come and see." (John 1:35-39a, NKJV)

Jesus Christ is simply taking a walk when He is spotted by a man named John the Baptist. John the Baptist publicly identifies Him as "The Lamb of God." Two of John's disciples hear Him speak and they begin to follow Jesus. At this point all they know is what they have heard about Jesus. They don't know Him personally, but their curiosity is piqued and they want to know more about Him.

Jesus turns to them and begins the conversation by asking them a legitimate question, "What do you seek?" In other words, "What are you looking for?" They respond with a question, "Where are you staying?" Jesus sees an opening and simply says, "Come and see." He could have just simply told them where He was staying, answered their question and walked away.

The reason He opened up to them was He saw an opening and He wanted to cultivate a relationship. He was willing to get involved in their life, where they were, at their own point of spiritual pilgrimage, in order to make an impact on their life.

Jesus was involving Himself in the lives of two men, trying to cultivate a relationship that would lead them down the path of knowing Him personally. If you are going to be fishing buddies with Jesus, you are going to have to learn to involve yourselves in the lives of other people and cultivate relationships.

A survey from the Institute of American Church Growth showed that somewhere between 75-90% of new believers come to Christ through a friend or an acquaintance with an established relationship who explains the good news on a one-on-one basis.

The best fishermen not only go to where fish are, they go to where fish bite. The people who will be most receptive in the long run to your witness, to your testimony, and to your influence are those people with whom you have an existing relationship. We see this put into action in the next two verses.

"One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, "We have found the Messiah (which is translated, the Christ)" (John 1:40-41, NKJV)

It is not coincidental that Andrew first went to his own brother. You notice it says he went, "First, to his own brother." In the original language the sense of it is – Andrew had evidently given thought to all the people he could talk to first about Jesus and the first one that came to his mind was his own family. Why? Because, he already had an established relationship.

Do any of the following ring a bell with you?

Home Improvement

You probably recognized those as some of the most popular television sitcoms of recent years. Do you realize the glue that holds all of the stories together in these television shows is relationships? All of them involve people who were willing to involve themselves in the lives of other people in cultivating their relationship. Because that relationship is there, there is a connectedness, there is an acceptance. This comes across in lyrics to the Cheers theme song.

Sometimes you wanna go...
Where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came

You want to be where you can see
Our troubles are all the same
You want to be where everybody
Knows your name

That song indicates what people are really looking for and that is relationships.

If we are going to tear down the walls of the homes outside this church and build bridges to people who never come to church, we are going to have to prioritize being involved in the lives of those outside the church and for many of us, it is going to call for a real change in our attitude.

I remember in the neighborhood where I lived, the first party I was ever invited to. It was one of those "BYOB" – bring your own bottle kind of parties. I knew there was going to be beer and booze and wine drunk at this party. Heretofore, I would just simply not go to these parties, because after all I'm a pastor. Then God spoke to my heart and said, "Are you more interested in what they might have in their hand or what they have in their heart?" I realized that is exactly where Jesus would have gone and I went.

If you are willing, God will open doors for you to get involved in the lives of people and cultivate those relationships. This past week, we got a very nice printed invitation from one of our neighbors to come to their house for a neighborhood party. I called our neighbor and talked to the wife to let her know we couldn't come, because we were preparing to take our son to college this weekend. She said, "I am sorry you can't come, perhaps we could have dinner with you and your wife sometime."

Quite frankly, years ago I would have said, "Yeah, right." Now, I am saying, "Yeah right!" because, that is what fishing buddies do.

II. We Must Invest Ourselves In Building Friendships

Andrew went immediately to his family. Philip went immediately to a friend. "Philip found Nathanael and said to him, 'We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.'" (John 1:45, NKJV) One started at home and one started with his next door neighbor, but they both started with people that they knew and people they had developed a relationship with.

Just a day or so before, Philip and Nathanael had one thing in common – neither one of them knew Jesus. Now one did and the other one didn't, so one man who was formerly a sinner, now a follower of Jesus, goes to a man who is still a sinner, in order to try to help him become a follower of Jesus.

One of the biggest criticisms of Jesus given by the Pharisees was that He was called, "The friend of sinners." That is exactly what I am going to ask you to do. I am going to ask you to become a friend of sinners. It is not enough just to involve yourself in cultivating relationships, but you must involve yourselves in building friendships. Jesus didn't just hang out with sinners occasionally. He initiated contact with them. He built the friendship. He spent time with them. The problem is, many of us have so removed ourselves from the world so that we will be safe from the world's influence, that the world is now safe from any influence that Christ wants to have through us.

You see Jesus understood that the greatest investment you will ever make is not in stocks, bonds, real estate or gold. The greatest investment you will ever make is in the lives of other people. Do you know why? Silver is not going to last for all eternity. Souls are. Money is not going to last for all eternity. Men are.

I want to challenge you that if you are going to become a fishing buddy with Jesus and begin to build friendships with people without Christ, you are going to have to change your calendar. I know there is going to be a lot of pressure for us to start this program and this ministry and do this and do that and do this program and get this activity started, but I am never again going to fall into the trap of getting people so busy in the church, they can't do the work of the church.

There was a church in Atlanta that put on a skit that had an unbelievable message to it. One person played an unchurched man who had been invited to church by one of his Christian co-workers. He came to the service and enjoyed the message, but he had a lot of questions and he wanted to get some answers.

As they were standing outside after church, the unbeliever said to his Christian friend, "I'd like to get together with you and ask some questions." The Christian looked at his calendar and said, "Monday- I've got to go to prayer meeting, Tuesday- I've got Bible study, Wednesday - I've got church, Thursday - I've got choir practice , Friday - I'm having dinner with my Sunday school class, Saturday - I'm in an evangelism training course and of course Sunday is church." He said, "What about the next week?" The man said, "Well Monday - I've got a church planning meeting, Tuesday - is Bible study, Wednesday - is church, Thursday - is choir practice, Friday - is a men's meeting, and on Saturday - I'm going to Six Flags with my Sunday school class, and of course Sunday is church." The Christian friend offered to call him in a couple of weeks and set something up, thanked him for coming, and then ran off to go to lunch with his Sunday school class. Standing alone the man looks out at the audience and says, "Does anybody want to go to lunch with me?" and then there is a total blackout. Where on your calendar are you willing to prioritize building friendships that can have an eternal impact?

III. Invite Others By Extending Fellowship

Did you notice how both Jesus and Philip brought people into the beginnings of spiritual fellowship? They both said, "Come and see." Did you know the number one reason unchurched people start coming to church is because of the consistent encouragement of a trusted friend?

I don't want to bore you with statistics, but these are not boring statistics.

  • There are 160 million Americans who are unchurched
  • If invited to attend church, 31% said they would be very likely to come
  • 51% said they would be somewhat likely to come

That means 82% of the people who do not go to church in America are likely to attend if they are invited

  • Only 21% of active church goers ever invite anyone to church
  • Only 2% of active church goers invite the unchurched

Do you know what Jesus needs more than anything else? He needs more fishing buddies.

Do you know what fishing buddies need? They need a church that will be fish friendly. Our job as a church is to do everything we can to make the fishing trip successful. Let me explain that. We must create an environment where the unchurched person will come and once he does come will want to come back and we must create an environment where church people will want to bring their unchurched friends. The church that does that is a church that makes sure that the people who come, experience the risen Christ.

Let me be very specific. When people walk into this church, they don't need to hear gripes, complaints, gossip, or negative talk. The more people see Jesus in our church and the more they experience Jesus in our church, the more they will want to come back.

I did something this week that I never dreamed that I would do. have jumped out of a plane at 14,500 feet. How this came about is pretty amazing.

My son and his girlfriend were going up to North Georgia to skydive for his twenty-fifth birthday and he asked me and his mother if we would go along with him, to not only see this momentous event, but to enjoy what could be his last moments on this earth. I can assure you the last thing on my mind was jumping with him.

As he was signing every waiver form known to the human race and giving up every legal right under the constitution, he looked at me and said, "Dad, would you jump with me?" At first I thought he was kidding, but he asked me again. His girlfriend asked her father if he would jump. Her father looked at me and said, "Pastor, if you will jump I'll jump." Well, my manhood was on the line at that point and pride does go before destruction and before I knew it, I'd agreed to jump! That is when the fun really began.

I paid my money. Signed all these waiver forms that I would not sue in cause the plane crashed, or the parachute didn't open, or I landed on Interstate 85 in front of a tractor trailer. I had just signed the last document and turned it in when I noticed some pictures of a man on a bulletin board and at the top it said, "In loving memory. We will always miss you." This was a skydiver, who unfortunately due to a bad decision on his part had gotten tangled up in a parachute and crashed to earth and died just two weeks before. It was at that point that the pit in my stomach became a full blown boulder.

Then my instructor, who jumped with me, comes over to me as I am putting on my jumpsuit to instruct me on what is going to happen. I was fine until he said, "If you pull the ripcord and the chute doesn't open, don't worry. I have a reserve that usually works." Then said, "Also, if something happens to me and I am knocked unconscious, this parachute is supposed to automatically open at 2000 feet." I said, "What if you are knocked unconscious and the automatic opener doesn't open?" He never answered that question.

As I trudged to the airplane I experienced for the first time, what it must be like to be walking to the electric chair. My instructor looked at me with a big grin and said, "Guess what? We are jumping first!" (Incidentally, let me correct something. You don't jump. You are pushed!)

We take off and as the plane is climbing, so are my prayers. I am making sure that every sin I have ever committed is fully confessed and I am totally forgiven. We are at 14, 500 feet. We've got 1 minute to jump and the man who is videoing my jump and is going to be jumping out with me and my instructor, sticks this video camera in my face and asks a timely comforting question, "Do you have any last words?" I said, "Jesus is my Lord and I am ready to go." He turned off the video and said, "I've never heard anybody say that before."

They opened the door. My instructor is literally pushing me towards the door and I said to the Lord, "Show me some sign that you are with me." I looked up above me and there was a bumper sticker that said, "Leaping Lesbians – The Chicago Jump Club." I said, "Lord, wrong bumper sticker!" I am now at the edge of the plane. I look over to my left and there is a bumper sticker that says, "Skydiving – where friends hook up with friends." I thought to myself, "God if you will let me live, I just got the conclusion to my sermon." I jumped, He did and here I am.

You know what our church needs to be? It needs to be a place where saved friends hook up with unsaved friends. If we will become fishing buddies with Jesus and involve ourselves and invest ourselves in the lives of others, so that we can come to a point where we can invite them to a church that will love them and to a God that can change them, the sky is the limit to where we can go with Jesus.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt