Funny You Should Mention It…
Matthew 23:1-39
by King Duncan

A Jewish comedian tells about two men of his faith who met on the street. "Abe, why are you looking so sad?" asks Isaac. Abe answers: "It's my son. I sent him off to college, and now he has come back home all full of Gentile ideas. Where did I go wrong?" Isaac says: "Funny you should mention it! My son, too, has come home from college, with his head all messed up, filled with Gentile ideas. There is but one course open to us. We will ask the Rabbi."

So they go to the Synagogue and obtain an audience with the Rabbi. They say to the Rabbi, "Our two sons, whom we have raised to be devout followers of the Law, have come home from college full of Gentile ideas. What can we do about it?" The Rabbi answers: "Funny you should mention it! My son also has come back from college with all sorts of Gentile ideas. I assure you my friends, this problem is beyond human solution. We must go into the place of worship and pray." The three go in and spread their hands in supplication to the Lord. No sooner have they articulated their common lament that their sons have become filled with Gentile ideas than the lights go out, the building is filled with clouds of smoke, and a thunderous voice answers them: "Funny you should mention it . . ."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan