We Are on a Journey
Mark 6:1-13
by Mark Trotter

This text is about a journey. And you and I are supposed to be on it. If you ask me, "Why do we have to be on a journey?" I have to say I don't know. And if you ask, "Why can't be just settle down in civilized inertia, avoiding pain and seeking pleasure (in moderation, of course, because we are Methodists) and I say, "I don't know why it's that way."

Cows can do that, but human beings cannot. So if you are restless, if you are discontent, if you are bored, even if you are unhappy, its good news. It means, you are not a cow. And if you are not happy with your life, then look at it this way. If you are not happy, it doesn't mean that you are going nuts. It may mean that you are becoming human. Human beings can't live like cows and still be human.

Here's the rub. Cows are who they are. Human beings are who they become. And that act of becoming, the Bible calls a journey. And Jesus says, "If you want to do it right, then follow me. And if you follow me, take nothing with you, except faith."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Christianglobe Illustrations , by Mark Trotter