The Little Old Ladies behind the Iron Curtain
John 1:35-42
by Arthur G. Ferry

William Willimon, professor at Duke Divinity School, remembers when a friend of his visited the Soviet Union in the 1970s. Upon his return he announced that the church behind the Iron Curtain was mostly "irrelevant because the only people there are little old ladies." Dr. Willimon writes, "Looking back now at the collapse of communism, the difficulties of rebuilding the Soviet Union after a long period of spiritual bankruptcy, I hope my friend would now say, `Thank God for the little old ladies.' Their existence provided a continuing, visible, political rebuke to the Soviets."

It would be wonderful if our witness was as effective as that of those little old ladies. It would be wonderful if our witness, like Andrew's, was effective enough to challenge another Simon Peter. That is our task, and what a joyous, challenging task it is. Having found Christ, or more correctly having been found by Christ, we find others that they, too, may come and see.

Finding Jesus, by Arthur G. Ferry