Where Are You Going?
Mark 13:32-37
by King Duncan

There is an amusing Hasidic story about a rabbi who crossed a village square every morning on his way to the temple to pray. One morning, a large Russian Cossack soldier, who happened to be in a vile mood, accosted him, saying, "Hey, rabbi, where are you going?"

The rabbi simply said, "I don't know."

This infuriated the soldier. "What do you mean, you don't know? Every morning for twenty-five years you have crossed the village square and gone to the temple to pray. Don't fool with me. Why are you telling me you don't know?" He grabbed the old rabbi by the coat and dragged him off to jail.

Just as the Cossack was about to push him into the cell, the rabbi turned to him, and softly said, "You see, I didn't know."

Someone asks, when will Christ return, when will history come to a climax and a new world order, an order straight from God, be introduced? The answer is, we don't know. The early church thought it would be in their lifetime. It's been 2,000 years. "Why does the Lord tarry?" many ask. We don't know.  We should not be surprised at that. There is much in life that God has not revealed to us. We don't even know what tomorrow might bring.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Christianglobe Illustrations, by King Duncan