Proverbs 16:1-33 · Proverbs of Solomon
The Power of Purpose
Proverbs 16:4
by James Merritt

I spent four years of my life in Deland, Florida about twenty miles west of Daytona Beach at StetsonUniversity. Not long after my freshman year started, I began attending StetsonBaptistChurch and attended there all four years.

One of the reasons why I was attracted to the church was because of a pharmacist that worked with college students there named Dean West. Mr. West was (to say the least) a unique individual. He was very unconventional in his thinking on a lot of things, but he had a gift to really make you think about things and see things in a different light.

The first Sunday I walked into that class, I discovered that he only had one role on Sunday morning. He did something that first Sunday that he did every Sunday I was there for four years. He would walk up to the blackboard and write down these three questions.

Who Am I?
Why Am I Here?
Where Am I Going?

He really wouldn't say very much after that. He would simply write those questions and sit down. He did that every Sunday for four years. He never elaborated very much. He would just write the questions on the board and sit down.

There is a tremendous power in repetition because I can remember going to bed at night thinking about those questions and getting up in the morning and thinking about those questions. When you walked into that small group every Sunday morning you were automatically thinking about those questions. It hit me about my junior year, why he did that every Sunday. He was trying to get me and the rest of the class to focus on our purpose.

Last week we shared with you our theme verse for what we are going to be talking about for the next several weeks. "The LORD has made everything for His own purposes." (Proverbs 16:4, NLT)

Everything on this earth has behind it a divine purpose. There is a reason and a purpose for everything. The primary purpose and the primary reason for everything is to manifest and magnify the glory of God. The Bible says in Romans 11:36, "Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His power and everything is for His glory." (Romans 11:36, LB)

All of this helps us to understand why the Apostle Paul said these words in I Corinthians 10, "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (I Corinthians 10:31, NASB)

Anything you do that is not for the glory of God is a wasted deed. Any thought you think that is not for the glory of God is a wasted thought. Any word that you say that is not for the glory of God is a wasted word. In fact, the essence of sin is to fail to live for the glory of God. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23, NASB)

Any life that is lived apart from the purpose of God and the glory of God is a wasted life and no matter what else you do with your life, if you don't fulfill in your life the purpose for which God gave you life, your life becomes not just a purposeless life, but a wasted life. That is why I want to talk today about The Power Of Purpose whether it is you as an individual or a church together. When you understand what your purpose in life is and then you focus all of your energies to fulfilling that purpose, then you maximize your potential to be all that you can be and to do all that you can do. In fact, I can tell you today the secret to greatness and success in life, in business, in athletics, and in marriage is a singular focus on purpose.

Take light for example. Focused light has tremendous power. Defused light has no power at all. By focusing the power of the sun through a magnifying glass, you can set a leaf on fire and burn up an entire forest. When light is concentrated at an even higher level, like a laser beam, you can cut through a block of steel, but defused light can't do anything at all.

A focused life will have a far greater impact than an unfocused life. A focused church will have a far greater impact than an unfocused church. Like the laser beam, the more focused you are in your life or the more focused a church is, the more impact it will have on others.

Our purpose statement, which is a great purpose statement both for a church and an individual is this - "To help people be different by knowing Christ and growing in Christ and to make a difference by serving Christ and sharing Christ."

May I ask you a question? Can you think of a higher purpose you could have for your life than that purpose? You see there are two things about our relationship to God that most people never understand. God wants to come into our lives, so that we might be different. I make no apologies that a follower of Jesus Christ should be radically different from a non-follower of Jesus Christ. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you ought to be different from a non-follower of Christ in your priorities, in your purposes and in your passions.

God not only wants us to be different, He wants us to make a difference in the lives of other people.

Let me stop right here and get you to ask yourself two questions about your life right now. If you would really like to know whether or not your life is hitting on all eight cylinders and you are truly living a purpose driven life. If you would like to know whether or not you are maximizing the difference that God wants to make in you, as well as through you, ask these two questions.

Am I Doing What God Intends For Me To Do?
How Well Am I Doing It?

Last week we identified for you the five major purposes that God has for your life and for His church. I want to show you today why these purposes are all important, why they must be in balance, but why you individually and a church corporately should always be striving to fulfill all five of these purposes. You are going to see the incredible results that take place when you focus on the power of purpose.

I. We Glorify Through Worship

We've already learned above everything else that matters in this life is the glory of God. Life is not about us. It is about Him. The church is not about us. It is about Him. We are not put here primarily to pacify ourselves; we have been put here primarily to glorify God. That is why the first order of business in your life, priority one, job one, is the worship of God. That is the first purpose. I would not hesitate to say it is the preeminent purpose because every other purpose flows from this purpose.

Did you know that God is on the lookout for people who will worship Him? He is actually seeking people to worship Him?

In John, Chapter 4, there is a story of a woman who is drawing water from a well where Jesus happened to be sitting and they got into a conversation about God and about worship. Like many people, she thought she was a worshipper of God when she didn't even know God. In fact, Jesus said to her, "You worship what you do not know." (John 4:22, NASB) Though it is politically incorrect to say - that statement is true of a Muslim, a Buddhist, of a Hindu or even a Protestant or a Catholic, who does not know Jesus Christ.

Then Jesus made a startling statement to this young lady that eventually changed her life. He said, "But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers." (John 4:23, NASB)

Hear everything Jesus said. God is looking for people who will worship. God is looking for people who will worship the right God. God is looking for people who will worship the right God in the right way. God is looking for people who will worship the right God in the right way with the right heart.

Worship is a real churchy word that is thrown around in a lot of churches, but it may be one of the most misunderstood words that is used. For example, when we talk about worship, some people think worship is praising God. Some people think worship is singing to God. Some people think worship is praying to God. Worship involves praising God and it involves singing to God and it involves praying to God, but worship is more than just that.

Worship is giving all that I am to all that God is. Worship is more than an event that takes place one day a week. It is a lifestyle that is to take place every day.

The Bible says, "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." (Matthew 4:10, NASB) Don't miss the fact that worship comes before service. Worshipping God is the church's first purpose. Work for God is important, but your work should never come before your worship, because it is primarily through worship that we glorify God.

II. We Gain Through Fellowship

Following Jesus is not just a matter of believing in Christ, it is also a matter of belonging to Christ and to His family. God never intended for even the strongest Christian to live a Lone Ranger life. We are to belong to God's family. We are to be members of His body.

I learned something the other day in my study that I had never though about before. In Matthew 28:19-20 where Jesus gives what we call "The Great Commission" which in effect gives the job description of both the Christian and the church. It reads, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20, NASB)

What is interesting is - in the Greek text there are three present participle verbs - going, baptizing, and teaching. Each of these is part of the command to "make disciples". All three are essential. Now, here is the question. I understand going and I understand teaching, but why did Jesus give the same prominence to baptism as He did to evangelism and discipleship? I'll tell you why. Baptism symbolizes one of the purposes of both the Christian and the church, which is fellowship.

Baptism is not only a symbol of salvation. It is a symbol of fellowship. When someone is baptized in a church, what he is saying to the church is - "I am now one of you." What the church is saying to him is, "You are now one of us."

You see when we baptize someone, we don't just baptize them into water. They are baptized into the fellowship of Cross Pointe. That is why it is so important that you get involved in a church and get involved in a small group, because think about what you gain through fellowship. You gain friendship. You gain encouragement. You gain wisdom. You gain the opportunity to minister to other people. That is part of the purpose of being a church and that is part of the purpose of going to church - to experience fellowship.

III. We Grow Through Discipleship

From the time that a little baby is born, there is one way you can know that baby is physically healthy, and that is, if that baby begins to grow. Any baby that doesn't grow has a serious physical problem. The same thing is true spiritually. From the moment you were born into the family of God, God wants you to grow. He wants you to grow in your knowledge of Christ. He wants you to grow in your love for Christ. He wants you to grow in your relationship with Christ. Colossians 1:28 says, "We continue to preach Christ to each person, using all wisdom to warn and to teach everyone, in order to bring each one into God's presence as a mature person in Christ. (Colossians 1:28, NCV)

I don't mean to sound arrogant, but as the pastor, I ought to be the best single expert on the church we have in this church. I want to tell you after having pastored five churches and been in the ministry for over thirty-years, the single biggest problem in most churches is spiritual immaturity. Instead of being Christ like, many church members are child like. We are not only called to reach people, we are called to teach people. It is God's Will for every follower of Christ to grow into spiritual maturity. Listen to these words. " that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:12-13, NIV)

The closer you get to Jesus, the more you will think like Jesus. The more you think like Jesus, the more you will act like Jesus. The more you act like Jesus, the more you glorify Jesus. The Bible says, "As the spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more." (II Corinthians 3:18, NLT)

Do you notice something? It all comes back to the glory of God. The way to measure spiritual maturity is not by your learning, but by your lifestyle. I've pastored people who knew the Bible inside out, who have even taught and lead small groups that turned out to be extremely spiritually immature. Spiritual maturity is not a matter of the head. It is a matter of the heart. The more people see Jesus Christ in your life and a desire to bring glory to God through your actions, the more spiritually mature you are.

IV. We Give Through Ministry

"God has given gifts to each of you from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so God's generosity can flow through you." (I Peter 4:10, NLT) Let me tell you what that verse says in one simple sentence. Every member is a minister and every member should have a ministry. We were all uniquely designed by God with different talents, different skills, different gifts and different abilities. In other words, we all come "wired" in certain and different ways. If you are like me you came "hot wired", but it is not an accident that we are who we are and no one is exactly like us.

We are all like snowflakes. Of all the billions of snowflakes that fall on this planet every year, no two are exactly alike. God has given us different gifts and skills and abilities to be used in the service of other people. I heard one pastor put it this way. "God's gifts are not for your enjoyment. They are for His employment."

Anything that God gives you He never gives you for your own selfish purposes. If God gives you a blessing, He gives you a blessing so that you in turn can use that blessing to bless somebody else.

The truth of the matter is - we are all in the people serving business. We are here to meet the emotional, physical, spiritual and relational needs of other people. This may come as a shock to many of you, but even though I would be called the "senior minister" of this church, my primary job is not to do the ministry of this church. My primary job is to equip you to do the ministry of the church. Ephesians 4:12 specifically states the church is to, "...equip the saints for the work of ministry." (Ephesians 4:12, NASB)

The sad fact is there is not nearly enough ministry going on in the average church, because the average member does not believe that he or she is a minister and they are not exercising their ministry.

Somewhere, we have gotten the mistaken idea that God measures faithfulness by how many times we come to church. The truth of the matter is, if all you do when you come to church is sit and soak and never serve - you will sour.

I will never forget going to the funeral home recently when one of our members died - a relatively young man, who I lead to Christ along with his family. When I went to the funeral home to visit the wife, son and daughter, there sitting in a semi-circle sat Deanna Grice, one of our small group leaders and some of the girls in the small group of the girl whose father had died. They were sitting with that girl, ministering to her, loving her and encouraging her. I thought to myself, that is the power of purpose. That is what the church is all about. That is what we are to be about in our own individual lives.

Do you really want to be happy in life? Don't look for how many people can serve you. Look for how many people you can serve.

V. We Go Through Evangelism

In The Great Commission that we read just a moment ago where Jesus said, "Go and make disciples", the word "go" in the Greek text is a present participle. That doesn't mean a lot to you, but grammatically it denotes an action that is on-going and so what it really says is, "As you are going make disciples." Jesus called Himself, "The Light of the world." When that light shines into the heart of an individual believer, we are not to hide that light. We are to let that light shine. Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16, NASB)

Incidentally, do you see the glory of God all over again? Everything keeps coming back to the glory of God. There is nothing that brings God more glory and more honor if we do all that we can do with His help to bring other people to Jesus Christ.

My mother called me the other day as I was getting on an airplane to leave to go preach in another state. She had just moved into a new villa having sold the home she lived in for about nine years. She began by saying, "Son, I know why God moved me into this new villa." I said, "Why is that?" She said, "So I could lead the cable TV man to the Lord!" The man was standing there as she recounted the story of how he came to her new home, to hook up her cable, so she could watch television and in the course of the conversation my mother just simply said, "May I ask you a question? Do you know for sure if you were to die today you would go to heaven?" He said, "No, I don't." She said, "Would you like to?" He said, "I would." She shared the Gospel with him. How Christ died for His sins, was buried and raised from the dead and simply asked him if he would like to pray to receive Christ and he did.

That is not the best part of the story. Mom said that she looked at him and said, "If I don't see you again on earth, I'll see you again in heaven." He looked at her and said, "And when I see you again in heaven, I am going to come up to you and thank you for telling me about Jesus!"

That is the power of purpose. I want you to understand that fulfilling these purposes in your life is more than just a responsibility. It is a privilege. Is there a greater privilege than knowing God? Is there a greater pleasure than loving God? Is there a greater power than living for God?

Life is short and life is temporary. Don't waste it focusing on things that won't matter in eternity. I don't believe any of us will be in heaven one moment until we ask, "Why did I place so much importance on that which was so transient and that which was so temporary?" There is a power in purpose, a power in God's purpose, God's purpose for your life which can only be found through Jesus Christ.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt