Pride Is the Source of Your Problem
John 12:1-11
by William Beausay II

Psychotherapist William Beausay tells of counseling a man who lost everything after he got involved in some shady business dealings. He lost his money, his job, his marriage and his family. In fact, some of his former business associates had tried to kill him. His client admitted that his life revolved around one philosophy: "I am Joe Blow. When you are Joe Blow, you can do anything you want." That belief was the foundation for his life. Yet even after his foundation crumbled and he lost everything, this man still didn't see the error of his ways. He actually said that he had lost everything but his pride. Beausay pointed out to the man that pride had been the source of all his problems. If he had not been so proud and self-absorbed, he never would have gotten into this mess in the first place.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., The Leadership Genius of Jesus, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997), 47., by William Beausay II