When It Comes to Humility
John 10:22-42
by Donald B. Strobe

Some years ago I found myself at a clergy conference among a bunch of bishops. (I don't know what else to call them. I know about a "gaggle of geese" and a "flock of birds" but what do you call a gathering of bishops? I settle on "bunch.") There was some sort of unintentional pride involved in the proceedings, for in front of the various clerical dignitaries, along with their names, were written their titles, the "Most Reverend" so-and-so, the "Right Reverend" so-and-so, and the "Very Reverend" so-and so. Whimsically, I printed on my card the "Hardly Reverend"...which, of course, made me guilty of a reverse sort of pride, like the monk in the famous story who said about the various monastic orders: "The Jesuits are ahead of us in learning, the Franciscans are ahead of us in good works, but when it comes to humility, we're tops!"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Donald B. Strobe