Exodus 20:1-21 · The Ten Commandments
Liar, Liar
Exodus 20:16
by James Merritt

In the movie, Liar! Liar!, Jim Carrey plays the part of Fletcher Reid, a fast talking attorney and habitual liar. He is always lying to his son, Max, and he lied to him when he told him he would attend his fifth birthday party. When he didn't show up, as Max is blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, he has only one wish, "that his dad would stop lying for twenty-four hours." His wish comes true and for twenty-four hours, this man can no longer lie. Every word that comes out of his mouth is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Maybe someone should make that wish for most Americans, because we have literally become a lying society. Ninety-one percent of Americans lie regularly, both at home and at work, in answer to the question, "Whom have you regularly lied to?" Eighty-six percent said to their parents, 75% to their friends, 73% to siblings and 69% to spouses.[[1]]

The Institute of Behavior Motivation has found that 97 out of 100 people tell lies - and they do it about 1000 times a year.[[2]] Three thousand people took a Readers Digest Poll and 63% of them said they called in sick when they really weren't ill, 77% admitted that they had lied to friends or family members about their appearance so they wouldn't hurt their feelings and 37% had downloaded music from an internet site without paying for it.[[3]]

The truth of the matter is we are all liars, both by nature and by choice. Psalm 58:3 says, "The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they are born speaking lies." (Psalm 58:3, NKJV) We've come up with so many creative ways to lie. We simply deliberately tell an untruth or sometimes we tell a half-truth. Sometimes you can lie without even saying a word.

I heard about a teenage boy, who was supposed to be home at midnight and he came in at two o'clock in the morning. Everyone was asleep and he was walking up the stairs. His dad woke up and said, "Is that you son?" He said, "Yes sir." He said, "Son, what time is it?" Before this boy could say anything, the cuckoo clock in the hallway struck twice, so this boy just stood real still and cuckooed ten more times.

Someone said the problem can be summed up with three former United States Presidents. George Washington couldn't tell a lie. Richard Nixon couldn't tell the truth. Bill Clinton couldn't tell the difference. What is the upshot of all of this? Two out of every three Americans now believe there is nothing wrong with telling a lie and only 31% believe that honesty is the best policy.[4] To all of that, God gives this commandment, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." (Exodus 20:16, NASB)

God expects us to deal with other people with honesty and integrity. This commandment tells us the reasons why we ought to tell the truth.

I. I Should Tell The Truth Because Lying Dishonors God

Proverbs 12:22 says, "The Lord hates those who don't keep their word, but delights in those who do." (Proverbs 12:22 NLT) One of the reasons that God hates lying is because to lie treats God like a fool as if He doesn't know when you are not telling the truth.

For example, we will call certain untruths "little white lies". It is estimated that adults admit to telling thirteen white lies every week. That in itself is probably a little white lie, but every lie is techno-color in the eyes of God.[[5]]

In Proverbs 6:16-19 we are told that there are seven things which God hates. "There are six things which the LORD hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19, NASB)

Notice that two of the seven things that God hates has to do with lying and being dishonest.

You can fool some of the people all of the time and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool God any of the time. The reason why your lying will always catch up with you is because there are always at least two people who know you are lying; you and God. In fact, let me turn that around. There are two people you can't lie to; you can't lie to God and yourself. I heard about a man and his wife who were getting ready to go out to eat and she was putting her makeup on while this man was shaving. All of a sudden he stepped back, looked at the mirror in disbelief and said, "Where did that great athlete go? Who is this old man staring at me? These arms look like pencils, my chest sags like an old woman and I have the stomach of three men." He turned to his wife and said, "This is absolutely horrible. Tell me something positive." With a big smile she said, "Well at least there is nothing wrong with your eyesight." You can't lie to yourself and you can't lie to God.

The reason why we are called to be people who speak the truth is because we serve a truth telling God. God the Father is true. The Bible says in Romans 3:4 "...Let God be found true though every man be found a liar." (Romans 3:4, NASB)

God the Son is true. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am...the truth." (John 14:6, NASB)

God the Holy Spirit is also true. The Bible even calls Him in I John 4:6, "The Spirit of truth." (I John 4:6, NASB)

If God is true, then His word must be true. Everything that God has ever said is absolutely, unmistakably and entirely true. This book tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth which is why Jesus said in John 17:17, "Your word is truth." (John 17:17, NASB) So, when I lie I dishonor the God of truth.

II. I Should Tell The Truth Because Lying Deceives Others

Proverbs 10:10 says, "Someone who holds back the truth causes trouble." (Proverbs 10:10, GN) When you lie, you inevitably cause trouble for other people. You cause resentment, mistrust, bitterness, and anger.

Back in Bible days when this commandment was written, before you had anything such as forensic evidence, almost everything in a court depended on the witness. Usually it would come down to one person's word against another and since many crimes could cause a person's death, oftentimes the life of the defendant would be at stake and the words of a false witness could be fatal. That is why we have such strict laws concerning perjury - lying under oath.

I read the other day about a prosecutor, who felt confident that the witness on the stand was the murderer in a particular case, so he directly asked this man, "Did you kill the victim?" The man said, "No." Realizing he needed to press the matter further, the prosecuting attorney sternly looked at him and said, "Do you know what the penalties are for perjury?" The witness honestly replied, "Yes, I do and they are a lot better than the penalty for murder." That may be true, but perjury can get people killed.

Whenever you tell a lie, somebody always winds up getting hurt someway, somehow. I read about a man who was trying to park his car and he scraped the side of a Porsche. He didn't think anybody would notice, but when he got out of the car several people had gathered around to see what he was going to do. He took out a piece of paper and wrote down the following message and stuck it on the windshield, "A number of people around me think I am leaving you a note that includes my name and address, but I am not." He got in his car and drove off. That is what the Bible says in Proverbs 25:18, "Like a club and a sword and a sharp arrow is a man who bears false witness against his neighbor." (Proverbs 25:18, NASB)

Two of the most vicious ways that you can lie is to either say something about someone behind their back that is not true (we call that gossip) or by saying something to their face about them that is not true, that we would never say behind their back. Proverbs 26:28 says, "A lying tongue hates those it crushes, and a flattering mouth works ruin." (Proverbs 26:28, NASB)

There are all kinds of words we use for it. For example, sucking up to someone, which is saying things about them that you really don't believe just to get into their good graces.

I want you to understand there is nothing wrong with praising another person. We ought to give honor unto whom honor is due, but when you praise another person make sure it is deserved, it is honest, accurate and it is sincere.

I understand that we sometimes say nice things about people, because we don't want to hurt their feelings. I am not saying that you ought to say whatever is on your heart at any time whether it hurts somebody or not.

There was a man who went to see his doctor one time and the doctor examined him and said, "Sir, you are deathly sick." He said, "I'd like a second opinion." The doctor said, "Alright, you are ugly too!" The bottom line of what I am saying is this - if you respect the dignity of other people, then you realize that people deserve to be dealt with honestly and that is really what people want. In a poll a few years ago by U.S. News and World Report, people were asked this question: "What is the most important characteristic or attribute that a friend can have?" Ninety-four percent of the people interviewed said this: "The one quality we would want in a friend above all other qualities is honesty." That is why the Bible says in Proverbs 28:23, "In the end, people appreciate frankness more than flattery." (Proverbs 28:23, LB)

III. I Should Tell The Truth Because Lying Destroys Character

If you habitually lie you are simply injecting into your character and into your heart cancerous cells of dishonesty that will wind up destroying you. Jesus said in John 8:44, speaking of the devil, "He is a liar and the father of all lies." (John 8:44, NKJV)

Do you know what that means? You are never more like the devil than when you tell a lie. Lying is his specialty. If he can, he will get you to specialize in it too.

Has it ever occurred to you that this world is in the mess it is in today because of lying? The first lie ever told was told by the devil to Adam and Eve. God told the truth when He said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because in the day that they did, they would surely die.

What did the devil do? What he always does - he lied. He said to them in Genesis 3:4, "You will not surely die." (Genesis 3:4, NKJV) In other words, he told them the biggest lie of all which is this, "You can sin and get away with it." As we all know, that is not true.

I will tell you what is true. This verse is true, "People who can't be trusted are destroyed by their own dishonesty." (Proverbs 11:3, GN) Lying destroys and it primarily destroys the one who lies.

Here is the reason why. Lying is not primarily a problem of the mouth; it is primarily a problem of the heart. Jesus said in Matthew 12:34, "For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." (Matthew 12:34, NASB)

In other words, "People are not liars, because they lie. They lie because they are liars." Jesus went on to say in Matthew 15:19, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders." (Matthew 15:19, NASB)

Lying will make a coward out of you. How many times have you told a lie to escape the consequences of something you did wrong to avoid punishment, to protect yourself, to cover your own backside? You know how it works. For example, you simply say to the teacher, "My dog ate my homework." It takes courage to tell the truth. It takes a coward to tell a lie.

We lie because we fear the consequences. I read the other day about a young mother, who was driving to the grocery store and saw her little first grader walking down the street when he should have been in school. When she asked him why he was not in school and the boy gave an explanation of why he was not where he was supposed to be the mother said, "Son, I am not accusing you of telling a lie, but I will tell you this, I have never heard of a school that gives time off for good behavior."

Do you know the real reason why we lie? It is because we don't trust God enough to be with us and help us if we tell the truth and have to suffer the consequences for it, which is exactly why the Prophet Isaiah asked this question, "Of whom were you worried and fearful when you lied and did not remember Me nor give Me a thought?" (Isaiah 57:11 NASB) God cannot stand by you when you lie, but He will stand by you when you tell the truth.

The problem with lying is this. It is not hard to tell one lie, but it is almost impossible to tell only one lie. Eventually the liar becomes tangled in a web of deceit and lying that he has woven day after day after day, until finally not just one lie catches up to him, but all the lies catch up to him.

Why is all of this so important to the family? Trust is the glue that holds all relationships together. Trust is essential if you want to have good business relationships. Trust is essential if you want to have a good marriage. Trust is essential if you are going to have friends and that is why it is so important that we teach our children and teach our families the importance of honesty, integrity, doing what you say you will do and telling the truth.

Do you want what is good for your family? Do you want your kids to live a life that is long and good and prosperous? Listen to these verses. "Do any of you want to live a life that is long and good? Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies!" (Psalms 34:12-13, NLT)

You are never more like the devil when you lie and never more like God when you tell the truth. The family you belong to will determine your eternal destiny, so here is the question, "Are you a child of God or are you a child of Satan?" You had better think carefully about what I am saying, because lying has an eternal impact on you. It may even determine your eternal destiny.

You don't think lying is a big deal? Listen to this. "But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." (Revelation 21:8, NASB)

On the other hand, when you are finally willing to be totally truthful about yourself (that you are a sinner) and totally truthful about your heart, (that you need a new one) and totally truthful with a God that can forgive your sins and the God that can change your heart through faith in Jesus Christ, then I can honestly tell you that you can become a part of God's family forever.

[1] James Patterson and Peter Kim, The Day America Told The Truth, (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1991), p 200.

[2] Albert M. Wells, Sr., Compiler, Inspiring Quotations, Contemporary and Classical (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1988) p. 90.

[3] Readers Digest, January 2004, pp 117-119.

[4] James Patterson and Peter Kim, Op.cit.p 49

[5] Patrick M. Morley, The Man In The Mirror (Brentwood, TN:Wolgemuth and Hyatt, Publishers, Inc., 1989) p 203

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt