2 Timothy 4:9-18 · Personal Remarks
What Is 40 Days Of Purpose?
2 Timothy 4:9-18
by James Merritt

We are about to begin a journey, a forty-day journey that I believe will change your life more than any other forty days that you have ever lived. In that forty days we are going to ask and answer the single most important and fundamental question anyone can ever ask in this life which is, "What On Earth Am I Here For? What Is My Purpose? Why Am I Alive?"

The Bible says God never created anything without a purpose or a reason. Whether it is animal, vegetable, or mineral, everything that God created has a purpose. Colossians 1:16 says, "For everything - absolutely everything - above and below, visible and invisible, everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him." (Colossians 1:16, MSG)

There is only one place that you can find your reason for living, your purpose in life and that is from the one that created you. You were made by God and for God. Until you understand that, life will never make any sense. We are going to discover in the next forty days that God has created you for five reasons.

I. You Were Planned For God's Pleasure

Revelation 4:11 says, "You, God created everything and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created." (Revelation 4:11, NIV)

If you were a parent, you can remember how you took pleasure in watching your kids - watching them say their first word, watching them take their first step, watching them have their first fight with their brother or sister. God takes pleasure in His children in just the same way. God created you simply to love you. That is the first reason you were made. God made you to love you.

God didn't need to make you. He was under no obligation to create you, but He chose to make you. He chose to do it for His pleasure. One of the most amazing facts to me, is that even though God know everything about me, He still loves me. He wants me to know Him and to love Him back. Genesis I tells us that we were, "made in God's image." That means that God has given us the ability to know Him, the ability to communicate with Him and to have a relationship with Him that nothing else in creation can have.

Hosea 6:6 says, "I don't want your sacrifices. I want your love. I don't want your offerings. I want you to know Me." (Hosea 6:6, LB) In that verse, you can see the first purpose of your life - to know and to love God. That is what brings God to pleasure.

The most important thing you can know in Life is that God loves you and the most important thing you can do in life is to love Him back. The number one reason you were put on this planet is to bring God pleasure by knowing Him and loving him. In fact, when a man came up to Jesus one time and asked Him what was the greatest commandment of all this is what Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." (Matthew 22:37-38, NKJV)

That is your number one purpose - to know God and to love God. The word for bringing pleasure to God is worship. Anytime and in any way that you bring pleasure to God, you are worshipping Him.

One of the things we are going to learn during these forty days is that worship is not just a synonym for music. Music is a tool for worship, but worship is far more than just music.

Let me just say this and we are going to explore it further, there is no such thing as Christian music. There are only Christian lyrics. I can play a song over our sound system right now with no words and there really would be no way to know whether it was a Christian song or not, because there are no sacred tunes. It is the words that make a song sacred. There is no one style of music that is sacred, because God likes every style of music. I am sure you don't and in fact I know you don't, but He does because He made it all.

Worship is so important to God that Psalms 105:4 says, "Worship Him continually." (Psalm 105:4, TEV) Worship is a 24/7 deal with God. I want you to remember that worship is for God's pleasure, not yours. If you come to a church service and leave and say, "I didn't get anything out of the worship today" you missed the point, because the worship wasn't for you. The worship is for Him. That is the first purpose of my life. Here is the second purpose.

II. You Were  Formed For God's Family

The bible says in Ephesians 1:5, "His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ and this gave Him great pleasure." (Ephesians 1:5, NLT)

God not only wants you to worship Him, He wants you to be a part of His family. He wants you to understand that God loves you so much He wants you to be a part of His family. You should never struggle with inferiority again.

You were born physically into your earthly family, but you were formed for God's family. In fact, your spiritual family is going to outlast the physical family called the human race. Hebrews 2:11 says, "Jesus and the people he makes holy all belong to the same family. That is why he isn't ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters." (Hebrews 2:11, CEV)

Being a Christian is more than just believing. It is also belonging. As a Christian, you not only belong to God, but you belong to every other Christian in God's family. I Peter 1:3 says, "God has given us the privilege of being born again, so that now we are members of God's own family." (I Peter 1:3, LB)

What is that family? "That family is the church. It is the church of the living God. The support and foundation of the truth." (Ephesians 2:19b, RWV) The fact is - you simply cannot make it in the Christian life without a church family. You need their support and you need their foundation. There is no Lone Ranger Christianity in the Bible. A Christian without a church family is like an orphan without parents. The Bible says in Romans 12:5, "We belong to each other and each of us needs all the others."(Romans 12:5, NLT)

In fact, we are more than just a part of God's family. We are also a part of His body, because the Bible calls the church - the body of Christ. Anyone who says, "Well I love Jesus. I just don't care for the church" would be like saying, "I like you. I just can't stand your body." Do you know why it is so important to be a part of the church and to regularly attend that church and to be practically involved in that church? One of the things you are going to do in heaven is to love other Christians. What we are doing in church is practicing for eternity.

In God's family there are family responsibilities. In fact, did you know there are over 50 commands in the Bible, that you cannot obey if you are not tied into a local church family? I Peter 3:8 says, "You should be like one big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender minds and humble hearts." (I Peter 3:8, LB) Now there is a word for this purpose. The word for learning to love other believers is called fellowship.

Fellowship may be one of the most misunderstood terms in all of the Bible. We call drinking a Coke and eating chocolate chip cookies as having fellowship. You can do that while having fellowship, but you don't have to do that while having fellowship and you can do that without having real fellowship. Fellowship literally means - being as committed to each other as we are to Jesus Christ.

Over 58 times in the New Testament the phrase, "one another" is used. Here are just some of the ways.

We are to love one another
Care for one another
Pray for one another
Greet one another
Help one another
Serve one another

Those are our family responsibilities. This leads to the third purpose.

III. You Were Created To Become Like Christ

Romans 8:29 says, "From the very beginning God decided that those who came to Him and all along He knew who would, should become like His Son, so that His Son (that is Jesus) would be the first with many brothers." (Romans 8:29, LB) From the very moment you came out of your mother's womb, God's purpose for you was to become just like His son, Jesus Christ.

That does not mean He wants to make you a god, but He does want to make you godly. He wants you to take on the characteristics, the qualities, the values, the morals, and the character of His son, Jesus Christ.

This is so important to hear. God is far more interested in what you are in life than in what you do in life. God is far more interested in your character than He is in your career. He is far more interested in what you are than what you do. Why? Because when you die, you aren't taking your career to heaven, but you are taking your character to heaven.

That is the third reason, you've been put on this earth - to develop character and become like Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:5 says, "In your lives, you must be and act like Jesus Christ." (Philippians 2:5, RWV)

One of the biggest questions any pastor ever is asked is this, "Why is this happening to me?" I'll tell you why. Everything that happens in your life, God wants to use to make you more like Jesus. God's goal is not your comfort. God's goal is your character. II Corinthians 3:18 says, "As the spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more." (II Corinthians 3:18, NLT)

This process of becoming like Jesus Christ has a name. It is called discipleship. That is the third purpose of your life. You see every problem in your life has a purpose and that purpose is to give you a chance to develop the character of Jesus Christ. If God is going to make you like Jesus Christ, He is going to take you through everything that Jesus Christ went through.

Some people think if you become a Christian, all of your problems are supposed to go away. In fact, it is just the opposite. Once you become a Christian sometimes your problems just start. Why would God do that? Because - this is not heaven. This is Earth. One day we will all go to a place where there are no problems, but on this earth we are going to have problems, so that those problems can help us respond in such a way that we become more like Jesus.

That raises the question - what is Jesus like? If you want a perfect picture of Jesus, it is called the fruit of the spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 names them.

The fruit of the spirit is:

Self control  (Galatians 5:22-23, ESV)

God wants to produce that fruit in your life every day. How does He do that?

This may be the most import thing you'll learn today. The way that God produces the fruit of the spirit in your life is by putting you in the exact opposite situation and allowing you to be tempted to do the opposite. For example - do you work with people who are hard to love? Have you ever thought that maybe God put them there to teach you to love? Do you live with someone that sometimes tries your patience? Has it ever occurred to you that God put them there to teach you patience?

Do you see how God even uses bad things in your life? Every temptation is an opportunity to grow and there is no situation in life that you can't learn from if you learn to respond in the right way. What is the goal?

The goal is spiritual maturity. "Then we will be mature just as Christ is and we will be completely like him." (Ephesians 4:13, CEV)

That is God's goal for us - to grow and to continuously mature. By the way, there is no such thing as instant spiritual maturity. God doesn't get in a hurry with us and He's going to take your whole life to make you like Christ, so don't get discouraged. Philippians 1:6 says, "Being confident of this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6, NIV)

We can review now. We have seen our first three purposes.

  • We were formed for God's pleasure - that is worship.
  • We were formed for God's family - that is fellowship.
  • We were created to become like Christ - that is discipleship.

Right now, I want us to begin to see those three purposes in action. We have come here to worship. We have come together to fellowship and it is all that we might become more like Christ in discipleship.

IV. You Were Shaped For Serving God

Ephesians 2:10 says, "God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good work which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing." (Ephesians 2:10, NLV)

Another name for those good works is your ministry or your service. The Bible says that every Christian is a minister. Not every Christian is a pastor, but every Christian is a minister. In the Bible, the word "servant" and the word "minister" are the same words. Service and ministry is the same thing. We are going to be talking to you later about how we at Cross Pointe are going to equip you and enable you to utilize your gifts, your abilities and your passions to serve His church. I just want you to know that you were put on this planet to make a contribution, to make the world a better place and to serve God and to serve others.

I Peter 4:10, "God has given each of you some special abilities. Be sure to use them to help each other passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings." (I Peter 4:10, LB) To put it another way, you are blessed to be a blessing.

One of the things you are going to do in heaven is to serve God. Some people have the idea that once you get to heaven you don't do anything else. In fact, just the opposite is true. You'll do more for God and do it perfectly than you ever did on earth. The better you serve God on earth, the more opportunities you'll have to serve God in heaven. That is why the Bible says if you are faithful to the little things on earth, you will be faithful in great things in heaven.

God has a place for service for you in His church. Every saint is to be a servant, but there is one key qualification. II Timothy 2:21 says, "Those who make themselves clean from all evil things will be used for special purposes because they're dedicated and useful to their master ready to be used for every good deed." (II Timothy 2:21, TEV)

God can use you if you are small. God can use you if you are plain. God can use you if you are broken, but God can't use you if you are dirty.

God does want to use all of us. The Bible says, "God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who's the source of them all. There are different kinds of service to God but it's the same Lord we're serving." (I Peter 4:10, RWV) We're all wired differently so everything will get done.

So let's review one more time our first four purposes.

  • You were planned for God's pleasure - that is worship.
  • You were formed for God's family - that is fellowship.
  • You were created to become like Christ - that is discipleship.
  • You were shaped to serve God - that is ministry.

V. You Were Made For A Mission

As it says in John 17:18, "In the same way You gave Me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world." (John 17:1, MSG)

You need to understand the difference between a "ministry" and a "mission". Everybody needs a ministry in the church, but also a mission in the world. Your ministry is your service to believers in the church. Your mission is your service to unbelievers outside the church.

What is that mission? II Corinthians 5:18-20 says, "Through Christ God has made peace between us and Himself and He gave us the work of telling everyone about the peace we have with Him." (II Corinthians 5:18-20, NCV)

If you want God to bless your life, you must care about what God cares about. If you want to know what God cares about the most, it is this - He wants His lost children found. If you want to know how much God cares about lost people just look at the cross. The cross tells us what our mission is all about. We are to be passionate about our mission just as the Apostle Paul was. He said, "The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me, to tell people the good news about God's grace." (Acts 20:24, NCV)

He said again in Romans 1:5, "Through Christ all the kindness of God has been poured out upon us. Now He is sending us out around the world to tell all the people everywhere the great things God has done for them so that they too will believe and obey Him." (Romans 1:5, LB)

Now there is a word for this fifth purpose Fulfilling my mission in the world is called evangelism. Evangelism is not that complicated. The word simply means "good news" and that is all it is - sharing good news.

I say to you unashamedly that at Cross Pointe we want to see as many people in our church as we can, but hear me clearly. It takes unselfish people to grow a church. It takes people who will say, "I will give up my seat. I will give up my parking space. We will go to extra services. We will build an extra building. We will support a stewardship campaign. We will do anything it takes because there is something more important than my comfort and it is that people get in to heaven." Colossians 4:5 says, "Make the most of your chances to tell others the good news." (Colossians 4:5, LB)

I want to ask you one of the most soul stirring questions, you will ever be asked. Is anybody going to be in heaven because of you? Can you imagine getting to heaven and having someone coming up to you and simply saying, "Thank you, I'm here because of you and I'll be grateful for all eternity that you cared enough to fulfill the mission of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your money, with your time, and with your lips. In the next 365 days, 2.4 million Americans will die and most of them will go into a Christ-less eternity. In that same period of time, 54 million people in the world will die and most of them will go into eternity without Christ.

That brings us to this point. You are going to go in one of two directions. One says, "It is my life and I'm going to do what I want to do with it" or are you going to walk down the path that says, "God you created me and I will live the rest of my life for your purposes, not mine."

I am going to ask you over the next forty days to commitment the rest of your life to doing the five things that God put you on this earth to do. They are your very reason for being here. Everything else is fluff in comparison. I am asking you to live a purpose driven life. The Bible says in Acts 13:36, "David served God's purpose in his generation and then he died." (Acts 13:36, NIV)

You will never put anything better on your tomb stone than that. "I served God's purpose in my generation and then I died." God is still looking for people to use. God knew before you were born you would be listening to me speak these words right now.

So will you be a purpose driven person? Jesus lived a purposed driven life. He said, "I brought glory to You here on earth by doing everything You told Me to do." (John 17:4, NLT)

In the next forty days, I am going to be talking to you about how to find and fulfill these five purposes. These will be if you will not miss one of them and take advantage of all of them the most important forty days of your entire life, because one day history is going to come to a close. One day your heart is going to stop beating and all that will matter then is if you can say, "I fulfilled God's purpose for my life."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt