Preach the Word
2 Tim 4:2
by Hugh Thomsen Kerr

“Preach the Word …” says Paul in this charge to Timothy. Hugh Thomsen Kerr put the emphasis correctly: We are...

  • not to preach sociology, but salvation;
  • not economics, but evangelism;
  • not reform, but redemption;
  • not culture, but conversion;
  • not progress, but pardon;
  • not a new social order, but a new birth;
  • not revolution, but regeneration;
  • not renovation, but revival;
  • not resuscitation, but resurrection;
  • not a new organization, but a new creation;
  • not democracy, but the Gospel;
  • not civilization, but Christ;
  • we are ambassadors, not diplomats.
ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Hugh Thomsen Kerr