2 Peter 1:12-21 · Prophecy of Scripture
The Fountain of Truth
2 Peter 1:12-21
by James Merritt

All of us learned in school about the legendary Spanish explorer, Ponce de León. In fact, to travel from where we live to downtown Atlanta, you can go down Ponce de León Avenue. Ponce de León discovered the State of Florida because he was looking for the legendary fountain of youth.

There are still many today on the quest for that fountain of youth, but they never have found it and they never will find it. For there is no such fountain.

But even though there is no fountain of youth, there is a fountain of truth that can keep your spirit and soul eternally young forever. It is a fountain that never runs dry, whose water is free and fresh, and this fountain is the word of God.

I am afraid that our nation, as well as much of the church, has forgotten just how valuable this book really is. Don't just take my word for it. Let me just quote from a few Presidents of the United States.

John Quincy Adams said, "The first, and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible. I speak as a man of the world…and I say to you, ‘Search the Scriptures.'"

Andrew Jackson said, "The Bible is the rock on which our Republic rests."

Abraham Lincoln said, "I am profitably engaged in reading the Bible. Take all of this book upon reason that you can, and the balance by faith, and you will live and die a better man."

Theodore Roosevelt said, "Almost every man who has by his life-work added to the sum of human achievement of which the race is proud, of which our people are proud, almost every such man has based his life-work largely upon the teachings of the Bible."

Woodrow Wilson said, "A man has deprived himself of the best there is in the world, who has deprived himself of a knowledge of the Bible."

Calvin Coolidge said, "The foundations of our society and of our government rests so much on the teachings of the Bible, that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings should cease to be practically universal in our country."1

General Robert E. Lee said, "The Bible is a book in comparison with which all others in my eyes are of minor importance, and which in all my perplexities and distresses has never failed to give me life and strength."

But I believe the great evangelist, Billy Sunday, put it best when he said, "If you take the best out of all of the books of all of the ages ever written in the world, you still would not produce a book that would touch the hem of the garment of the Bible."2

But what is it that makes this book so valuable? What is it that separates this book from every other book that ever has been written, or ever will be written? Well, according to Peter, there are three qualities about the Bible that makes it "the fountain of truth."

I. The Bible Outlives Human Expression

Peter had a major goal he wanted to accomplish in writing this second letter. He wanted to remind his readers that their faith was to be based not on a preacher, or a personality, but on the principles found in the word of God. Three times, in vv. 12-15, he speaks about remembering.

He says in v.12, "For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know them, and are established in the present truth." He then says again in v.13, "Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you." He then says in v.15, "Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease."

Peter knew he was going to die. In fact, he calls his body a tent in v.13. I find that very interesting because a tent is not where you live; a tent is where you camp out. Did you know that none of us were created to live here? We're all just camping out. Jerry Glanville, who used to be the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons, once said, "If you don't live in Atlanta, you're just camping out."

When you die, you really just take down the tent and move to your permanent home. You quit camping out, and move to your home for eternity, whether it be heaven or hell. You would be interested to know that Robert E. Lee's last words before he died were: "Strike the tent!"

What Peter was saying was, "I am going to die, but you will still have the word of God." The messenger may die, but the message will live on. Peter was a great teacher, but he's gone; Paul was a great teacher, but he's gone; James was a great teacher, but he's gone.

Down through the centuries there have been some great preachers of the word of God. Whitfield was a great preacher, but he's gone; Wesley, a great preacher, but he's gone; Spurgeon, a great preacher, but he's gone. One day Billy Graham will be gone. But the word of God will still be here.

Preachers come and go, but the preaching of the word carries on. Ministers come and go, but the ministry of the word carries on. Teachers come and go, but the teaching of the word carries on.

You see, if we did not have the everlasting eternal word of God, we would be at the mercy of men's memories for what spiritual truth we have. But as we have learned, even from the President of the United States, the memory is both defective and selective.

Oftentimes we forget what we ought to remember, and we remember what we ought to forget. Usually it's not that we can't remember, sometimes we don't want to remember. But our faith is not based on a man or a memory, but on the word of God.

This book not only outlives its friends, it also outlives its foes. Dr. Vance Havner used to say that "for two thousand years infidels, skeptics, and critics have tried to bury the Bible, but it's the only book that can outlive the pallbearers."

The famous infidel, Voltaire, once said, "I am tired of hearing it declared that twelve men sufficed to establish Christianity, and I want to prove to them that it only needs one to destroy it."3

He went on to say that within twenty-five years the Bible would be totally forgotten and Christianity would be a thing of the past. Well, forty years after his death in 1778, a Bible society bought Voltaire's home and made it the head-quarters of a printing press that turned out copies of the word of God.

II. The Bible Outweighs Human Experience

Now Peter is dealing with false teachers, those who deny the truth of Christianity, and he says in v.16, "For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty." The word fable is the Greek word muthos from which we get the word "myth." It means a manufactured story that has no basis in fact. Peter makes the point strongly that Christianity is not fable; it is indeed fact. Jesus is not a fairy tale figure. He was, and is, true and real.

The reason Peter declares this so strongly is because he was both an eyewitness and an ear-witness. A witness is someone who simply tells what he has seen, what he has heard, and Peter was a faithful witness.

He gives his testimony:

"For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.

For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'

And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain." (vv.16-18)

Now only three people saw this vision, and heard this voice, and he was one of those three. They were on that Mountain of Transfiguration, and saw Jesus in all of His glory. They heard the voice of God who said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Their experience was glorious and wonderful, but Peter also knew something about that experience, and that is, it was one never to be repeated, and one that can never again be experienced. So where does that leave us who have had no vision and heard no voice?

Well, Peter tells us that God has given us something better than experience—the word of God. V.19 says, "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed." Now that can also be translated, "We also have the more sure prophetic word." The point that Peter is making is: The word of God is more sure than what your eyes can see, and what your ears can hear. Ps. 19:7 says, "The testimony of the Lord is sure." Ps. 93:5 says, "Your testimonies are very sure." Ps. 111:7 says, "All His precepts are sure."

This past week, 100,000 people gathered at a farm in Conyers, Georgia. Why? Because Nancy Fowler, a former nurse, who claims to have had hundreds of visits from the Virgin Mary and from Jesus Christ since 1991, said that the Virgin Mary was going to give her a final message that she would speak to the world.

They came by bus, by car, by plane, hoping to see a vision, an appearance of the Virgin Mary, and to hear what the Virgin Mary had to say to Nancy Fowler. Yet, had someone simply said, "I'm going to stand in the middle of this farm and open up the word of God," people would have passed by with a yawn.

I want to give you fair warning. Never accept subjective experience over objective revelation. Do you know why? Satan can counterfeit an experience, but he cannot counterfeit the word of God. The word of God is more sure than a vision you might see or a voice that you might hear.

If I were to have some kind of vision I might misunderstand it, I might not remember it, I might misinterpret it. If I were to hear a voice I might miss part of what was said. Neither visions nor voices can compare with the value of the word of God.

Let me be very plain. Between Moses and Matthew, Malachi and Mark, Lamentations and Luke, Jeremiah and John, Amos and Acts, and Proverbs and Paul, we have God's complete once-for-all revelation.

We don't need Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Ellen White, Nancy Fowler, golden tablets, dreams and visions, or another testament; all we need is what we have, which is the inspired truth of the infallible word of God.

Martin Luther once said, "I have made a covenant with my God that he send me neither visions, dreams, nor even angels. I am well satisfied with the gift of the holy Scriptures, which give me abundant instruction and all that I need to know both for this life and for that which is to come."

III. The Bible Outshines Human Explanation

Now the reason why our only authority for anything we believe and any way that we live, is the word of God, is because of three qualities that belong uniquely to this book.

a. Divine Initiation

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation," (v.20) Now that verse actually means something far different than what it appears to mean in English. The word "private" is the Greek word idios which is used 114 times in the New Testament, and always it means "of its own."

The word "interpretation" literally means "to untie" or "to unfold." What the verse literally says is "no prophecy of Scripture is of its own unfolding.

You see, this is not referring to interpretation, but rather to origination. That is, the men that wrote the Bible did not weave their own spiritual web. This book did not originate in the mind of men, but rather it originated in the heart of God.

Someone once said, "I know man did not write the Bible. A good man would not have written it because it claims to be from God, and a good man would not make a false claim. A bad man would not have written the Bible because it condemns his evil. So it must have been written by God."

b. Divine Inspiration

"For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." (v.21) Now we find something very interesting. Not only was the writing of the Scripture inspired, but the writers of the Scripture were also inspired.

The Greek word "moved" is a word that refers to a ship driven by the winds when its sails are up. In other words, these writers had their spiritual sails up, and the wind of the Holy Spirit blew them to write down exactly what God wanted them to say. So as they wrote the word of God, even though they used their own style, their own vocabulary, and their mind was fully engaged, they were guarded in their hearts, and guided in their minds to say what God wanted them to say.

You see, there are those who claim that because the Bible was written by men, it must have errors, because men are fallible. Well, Charles Haddon Spurgeon dealt with this criticism in a great way. Referring to these Bible critics who used this logic, he said:

Over and over they cry ‘but there is a human side to inspiration.' Of course there is; there must be the man to be inspired as well as the God to inspire him. Whoever doubted this? The inference which is supposed to be inevitable is—that imperfection is, therefore, to be found in the Bible since man is imperfect. But the inference is not true. God can come into the nearest union with manhood, and He can use men for his purposes, and yet their acts may not in the least degree stain his purposes with moral obliquity. Even so, He can utter his thoughts by men, and those thoughts may not be in the least effected by the natural fallibility of man.4

Remember this: Men wrote the Bible, but God authored the Bible. This Bible never claims to be the words of men; it claims to be the Word of God. As you read the Bible you cannot escape this stunning conclusion. In the Old Testament alone, phrases like: "God said," "God spoke," and "the word of the Lord came" occurred nearly 4,000 times, 700 times in the first five books, 40 times in one chapter. No other book has, can, does, or will make that claim, because the only book that is the word of God is the Bible.

c. Divine Illumination

"We also have the prophetic word made more sure, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts." (v.19) This book that I preach, and that we should read every day of our lives, gives light to the dark, and life to the dead.

Peter refers to this world as a "dark place," and the word he used literally means "murky." It is the picture of a dank cellar or a dismal swamp. Into this world that is dark and dank and dirty, God has sent the flaming torch of His word to lead us from darkness to light, and from death to life.

A Christian received some mail one time from an atheist who had mailed him some infidel literature, telling him that if he would read this literature he would truly be enlightened and his life would be better off. This Christian sat down and wrote the following response to this atheist:

My Dear Sir:

If you have anything better than the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount, the story of the prodigal son, the standard of morality superior to the Ten Commandments, something more comforting in death than the Twenty-third Psalm, or anything that will throw more light on the future of this world than the book of the Revelation, would you please send it to me.


He never received an answer.
This is the greatest book on earth
Unparalleled it stands;
Its author is God, its truth is divine,

Inspired in every word and line,
Though written by human hands.
This is the solid rock of truth
That all attacks defies;

O'er every stormy blast of time,
It towers with majesty sublime,
It lives and never dies.
This is the volume of the cross

Its saving truth is sure;
Its doctrine pure, its history true,
Its gospel old, but ever new
Shall ever more endure.

This book is the fountain of truth whose waters are fresh and free, and never runs dry. Drink from it, and you will have joy on earth and life everlasting.

1. Out of My Treasure, ed. Willie White, p. 25.

2. The Best of Billy Sunday, ed. John R. Rice, p. 93.

3. Cited by Michael Scott Horton, Made in America, p. 25.

4. James T. Draper, Jr., Authority: The Critical Issue for Southern Baptist, p. 63.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt