A Forgiving Father
by King Duncan

I love something that author Max Lucado said in one of his books. "It is unfortunate that most of us see ourselves as a composite of all our failures," writes Lucado. "When we look in the mirror we may only see our failures. Even though many of us can't see beyond the failures, this is not the way God views us. As a loving God, he looks past our failures. Can you imagine a loving parent introducing their children by saying, ‘This is my daughter Meagan, who stained the carpet with grape juice when she was two,' or ‘This is my son Myles, who broke a valuable vase last week.' If loving parents don't have a need to memorize their children's failures, you can rest assured our loving heavenly Father has no use for such memories either."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan