Predictions in the Past
2 Pet 3:11
by Brett Blair

I am fond of a line from Niels Bohr, the physicist, and have quoted it before: "Prediction is a very difficult art especially when it involves the future."

Scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center report that one of the largest stars in our galaxy is about to self-destruct. Eta Carinae, which has a mass 100 times greater than that of our sun, is giving signs that its life is about over. Researchers say that it could become a supernova - a blazing, exploding star within the next 10,000 years. What was especially interesting about the report was the statement that since light from the star takes 9,000 years to reach the earth, the actual explosion could have already taken place.

This reminds me of one of the confusing but great explanations about the chronological nature of the Kingdom of God. God's Kingdom is already but not yet. Do you hear me? Already but not yet. Like the star. It may have already exploded but the light has yet to reach us. 

This is the striking nature of biblical prophecy. The predictions found in Revelation 8 are often written in the past tense. This is done because even though the prophet is writing of a future event, he has already "seen" it. Already but not yet. In the mind of God it's as if the events have already happened. Already but not yet. Even though Christians differ on the interpretation of today's Scripture, we can definitely say that God's judgment against sin is certain. Our sins have already been punished at the Cross; but the final judgement, the conclusion of the Ages, is yet to come. Already but not yet. The outpouring of His anger against those who continually resist Him is so sure that it has been written about in the past tense. This should cause us to reflect with the apostle Peter, who wrote so appropriately, "Seeing, then, that all these things shall be destroyed in this way, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy living and godliness?" As Christians, we already know what's ahead for this world, and that knowledge should keep us living a not yet life, close to God.

Adapted from Our Daily Bread, by Brett Blair