The Other Voice
Psalm 85:1-13

True worship is largely a matter of listening. In church it is important that we listen to the sounds of word and song which may be heard here. There is, however, another voice, one inaudible to the physical ear, but a voice nevertheless. It is the voice of God.

In this room at this moment there are, in fact, many voices that we are not hearing. We could hear some of them if we brought in a dozen or so radios, half a dozen TVs and several CBs, and if we tuned all these to various wavelengths and channels. By means of these instruments, we could hear what is inaudible now.

But there is also that other voice. It is all around us here, and within us too. You cannot normally pick it up on radio or tune it in on TV or CD. The tuning mechanism is within you. And this tuning is not anything so simple as the flip of a switch or turning of a knob. The tuning is done by each of us within ourselves as we bring our whole attention into focus upon our Lord. So, as it were, let us tune ourselves to listen, let us become receivers to hear the voice of him who speaks.

The psalmist said something which each of us might well be saying just now: "I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people."

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