John 6:25-59 · Jesus the Bread of Life
Sword of the Spirit
John 6:56-69 · Ephesians 6:10-20
by Lori Wagner

Anyone remember the story of the sword in the stone? King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table?The story has many facets. Most of us probably remember the part about young Arthur, who was just a ward, a servant in the courts, who was able to pull an amazing historic sword from a stone where it was firmly planted. The inscription to the sword said that only the person meant to be the future king would be able to remove the sword. That person would be a person of special nature and character. While others, particularly in high positions, grasped and pulled in vain, those who were far more worthy, Arthur, in a time of dire need, simply grasped the handle and pulled it suddenly and easily from its resting place. From then on, Arthur would be hailed as king of all England. A wise king, he not only knighted those with hearts loyal to the kingdom, but he created what was called the “round table,” a kind of circle of equality. The knights together would contribute to the decisions of the kingdom, its safety, and its success.

The sword was a “discerning” sword, a judging sword. It could “mystically” discern the heart of he who grasped its handle and knew who would be worthy.In Arthur’s day, and even today, persons deemed worthy are “knighted” by touching a sword to either side of their shoulders. This gesture signifies that the person designated has been discerned to be of true character and nature and will be loyal to the kingdom. It is an honor to be knighted.

In his letter to the Ephesians (6:10-20), Paul describes the vision of a Christian “knight,” one who has put on the armor of God, belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, and shoes that proclaim a gospel of peace –one who holds a shield of faith, wears a helmet of salvation, and wields the sword of the Spirit (the word of God). Christians are spiritual knights to the worthy and true spiritual king, Jesus the Christ. This imagery is continued in a sense in the gospel of John, in which Jesus describes himself as the Son of Man, and again the Bread of life. And no one can come to him unless it is granted by the Father. While most refuse to recognize him as the rightful “king,”Jesus’ inner 12 remain steadfast. Jesus asks the 12 if they too will fall away from following him. Simon Peter replies, “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:67-68).

Jesus has the words of eternal life. The word for words here is the Greek rhema. It is used in the New Testament to indicate the hearing of spiritual words, living words of faith that impact a believer, that is, the “voice” or mouthpiece of God. It is commonly used to indicate times when the “Lord speaks the living word to inbirth faith,” according to Strongs Lexicon (4487). "So faith proceeds from (spiritual) hearing; moreover this hearing (is consummated) through a rhēma-word (4487 /rhma) from Christ" (Strongs).  Spiritual “hearing” goes along with the divine infusion of faith within a listener. The words of Christ are an auditory vehicle. What Peter is saying is that Jesus’ voice, his message, his articulation of scripture, his divine and prophetic voice itself is witness to who he is as the Holy One of God.

Jesus himself is the discerning sword of truth. And in listening to his voice, one who has “ears to hear” can and will discern the Truth of God through him. And he will in turn as a double-edged sword will discern the hearts of others and know who has faith and who does not.

Listen to the words from Hebrews:

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb 4:12)

And the words of John (5:24):

Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

Whether the Torah stones of David, the Hair of Solomon, or the Sword of the Spirit, the power of God and the voice of God through these vehicles is the force that both judges faith and instills faith in the hearts of people. And the greatest of these is Christ. Jesus IS the I AM.

This is a critical turning point in Jesus’ ministry. As we said last week, many of his disciples walked away from him after he began proclaiming his identity in earnest. But his inner twelve remained steadfast and loyal. These are his “so to speak” spiritual knights. Led by Peter, the spokesperson for the group, they would understand the power of Jesus’ voice, the way he re-interpreted the scriptures, the way his voice could both heal the sick and sear like a knife into the arguments and the hearts of those who were hypocritical. Like a Roman gladius (sword), which could piece even the toughest armor, Jesus’ voice, his words of truth, his identity and mission, they knew, was of divine origin. And he had designated them to wield that same “sword of discernment” as apostles, spiritually “knighted” by the Holy Spirit, in their mission to the world to heal, proclaim, and make disciples. Through the words and Word of Jesus, spread by the apostles or chosen “knights of the Spirit,”Jesus’ kingdom would grow and flourish.

Jesus knew that to be king and messiah was not enough. He would need loyal disciples in order to continue his mission. He knew from the beginning that his time on earth would be brief and that if God’s plan of salvation was to be completed, he would need followers who would continue on with his message of healing and redemption long after his physical death. Through his resurrection and presence in the Holy Spirit, he could continue to guide them and anoint them for mission in the world, but he only had a brief time to teach them and prepare them for what was to come.

The twelve were in a sense Jesus’ “round table.” Led by the Holy Spirit of Christ, the future round table would be made up of key disciples and apostles, who would take Jesus’ “good news” message of redemption and God’s call for repentance to the entire world. Knighted and prepared, as Paul described, they would prepare to battle the forces that would trip them up along the way, both spiritual and physical, and they would both heal and judge hearts as Jesus prepared them to do.

The result was the growth of the church in numbers too great to count!

Today, we too are called to carry on Jesus’ mission to the world. We too are called to be knights, bound as Paul described in the armor of Christ and wielding the spiritual sword of discernment, so that we can bestow Christ’s healing and mercy upon all who come to him.

Our world still is filled with all kinds of foes and dangers. We need the words of Christ, the Spirit of Christ, the power of Christ among us and within us to withstand the forces that would betray us.

Forces of dissension.

Forces of hatred.

Forces of envy.

Forces of anger.

Forces of illness and death.

Forces of depression.

Forces of guilt and shame.

Forces of oppression.

And there are many more to battle. Your sword of Christ, your armor and shield of faith, will protect you and defend you from all of these and more and will help you to discern the Truth amidst the turmoil.

When you are feeling blown about by the winds of change and whipped about by the storms of life, be they spiritual or physical, just remember that you are standing on the rock of truth, a Knight of the True King, clothed in his glory and girded up with his strength. You stand amidst every storm of life sturdy and solid holding up high your sword of Christ. You hear his voice. You see his face. You know his mission. You proclaim his message. You will not be moved.

Like Peter, you are the rock. And Jesus is your rock –of salvation, of truth, and of life.

This is your call to arms, Knights of the Spirit, warriors of Christ, gladiators of the Gospel. The world is waiting. Jesus is waiting. Suit up. Go out. Heal his people. Change the world.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., by Lori Wagner