Manna from Heaven
Matt 6:25-33; Luke 17:11-19; John 6:25-35
by Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once met a Dutch gentleman who told him a story of God's great providence during a time of suffering. He was just a child when World War II wreaked havoc on his country of Holland.  Food was scarce, and the people of his town were in danger of starving.  They were so hungry that they dug up tulip bulbs for food.

The pastor of the local church announced a prayer meeting to call upon God for help.  For more than an hour, the people prayed fervently for food.  As they prayed, the young boy felt the presence of God in the room, and he knew that God was answering their prayers.

The next morning, food aid flights came roaring over the town, dropping packages full of food.  Like manna from heaven, the packages of food saved a starving people and renewed their faith in God's love and providence.

In God We Trust, by Norman Vincent Peale