For That I Am Especially Thankful
Matt. 6:25-33; Psalm 100; Eph. 4:20; Luke 17:11-19; John 6:25-35

During a harvest festival in India, an old widow arrived at her church with an extraordinarily large offering of rice - far more than the poor woman could be expected to afford. The itinerant pastor of the church did not know the widow well. But he did know that she was very poor and so he asked her if she were making the offering in gratitude for some unusual blessing. "Yes," replied the woman. "My son was sick and I promised a large gift to God if he got well." "And your son has recovered?" asked the pastor. The widow paused. "No," she said. "He died last week. But I know that he is in God's care; for that I am especially thankful."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations