Thankfulness Can Be a Matter of Perspective
Matthew 6:25-34; John 6:25-35

How many of us have been jostled and crammed into a tiny airplane seat recently, only to lament delays caused by weather, extra fees demanded by the airlines for overweight bags, or the tiny bag of pretzels that have replaced meals on so many flights?  It seems like the collective mood on airplanes is pretty grumpy these days. 

But imagine what our ancestors just a few generations ago would have said if we could tell them about our ability to fly from city to city with such ease and frequency? Imagine trying to explain to a settler moving his family across the continent by wagon train that the trip could be done in a number of hours instead of months. Now think of the many citizens of this world who can not afford a luxury such as flight, who may not be able to freely visit family or do business across such vast distances.

Now think about the first time you looked out the window and saw the country sprawling out below you.  Maybe it was nighttime and all the lights of the cities and towns were twinkling.  Maybe it was daytime and you could see the hedgerows, highways, and the rivers delineating the landscape. Didn't you feel a sense of wonder? Don't you remember thinking, "Wow! That is unbelievable!"? 

Along the way, many of us have lost the wonder of things like flying.  We should try to keep things in perspective and remain thankful for the amazing things that we enjoy every day in our unbelievable present. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations