1 Timothy 1:12-20 · The Lord’s Grace to Paul
Is Your Conscience Clear?
1 Timothy 1:18-19
by James Merritt

It may surprise you to know that every year the Federal Government receives hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus items ranging from wrenches to silverware, from citizens with a guilty conscience who have cheated on their income taxes.

In 1811, the U. S. Treasury established what is known as a Conscience Fund when an anonymous individual mailed the government $5. Since that time, over $4 million has been received from guilt-ridden citizens with a guilty conscience, with donations ranging from a single penny to $139,000, the largest contribution ever recorded in the funds one hundred and eighty-six year existance.1

I read the other day about one of these conscience-stricken individuals who wrote the following letter to the IRS:

Dear Sir:

My conscience has really bothered me. Here is a $175 which I owe in back taxes.


Guess Who?

P.S. If my conscience still bothers me I'll send in the rest.

One of the greatest gifts that God has given to man is the gift of conscience. It is one of the things that is uniquely human. Animals don't have a conscience, but people do. But not only has God given us a conscience, He wants us to have a good conscience.

Paul, in writing to his young protégé Timothy, not only requested that he have a good conscience, but we see in these two verses that he charged him to "have faith and a good conscience." The word of God tells us why a good conscience is absolutely vital to being right with God, right with others, and right with ourselves.

I. The Glory of a Clear Conscience

"This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck." (vv.18-19)

Paul reminds Timothy that he is in a war, and we are in that same war today. That war will never be over until our Commander in Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ comes back and wins the final battle. So every day we face three enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. Now if you want to fight the faithful fight and wage a winning war, you must have a good conscience. Otherwise, like some Paul spoke of in verse 19, you will shipwreck on the shores of sin.

Now what is the conscience? Well, the conscience is the compass of the soul. It is the watchdog of the heart that barks when something is wrong. The word "conscience" in our English language is a combination of two Latin words: con meaning "together" or "with" and seire meaning "to know." So it literally means "to know with" or "to know together."

Conscience is what knows one's self. It knows the inner motives, and it knows the true thoughts. It is that inner knowledge and internal insight that helps me to know myself.

Every one of us is born with something in our heart that approves of us when we do right, and accuses us when we do wrong; and that something is conscience.

You cannot escape your conscience. Conscience is what you have to live with, because it always lives with you. You can argue with your conscience, you can short circuit your conscience, you can harden your conscience. But you can never get rid of your conscience. Socrates described conscience as the wife from whom there is no divorce.

If you have ever been haunted by the ghost of guilt, you know that there is not a greater source of peace than a clear conscience. Someone once said, "There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience."

If you are a Christian, you need to understand that the Bible teaches your faith in God is to be held with a pure conscience. Paul spoke to Timothy in I Tim. 3:9 of "holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience." The word pure literally means "clean" or "without dirt." Now it is very important to make sure that you really do have a clear conscience. Sometimes a man with a clear conscience is just someone who has a poor memory.

But there is an awesome power in a truly clear conscience. I have learned that you never have to fear criticism, what anybody says about you or says to you, if you have a truly clear conscience. I want you to listen to what Peter had to say about this matter of a clear conscience. He said in I Pet. 3:16, that it is important to "have a good conscience so that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed."

In other words, if your character is pure, and your conscience is clear, then it doesn't matter what others say about you, or even think about you. No flattery can heal a guilty conscience, and no slander can hurt a good conscience.

Make sure you don't become like the man who went to see his doctor, and he said, "Doc, I've been misbehaving, and my conscience is troubling me." The doctor said, "Would you like for me to prescribe something that will strengthen your will power?" He said, "No, I was hoping you could give me something that would weaken my conscience." Well, unfortunately we are living in a world whose conscience is steadily being weakened, and that leads to a great problem.

II. The Grief of a Corrupted Conscience

Keep in mind that the conscience is God's pipeline to the heart. It is possible to clog up the pipe, to shut off the flow of God and His word, so that the conscience is nullified. People have been known to put pennies behind their electric fuse plugs so it makes it impossible to ever have a "blown fuse." Incidentally, you may not know it, but this is against the law and punishable by fine. These people are ignorant of the fact that doing this can cause any electric gadget or appliance in the house to be blown out, and perhaps even set the house on fire.

It is even more dangerous to try to defuse your conscience by feeding it excuses. You see, feeding your conscience with excuses is like giving sleeping pills to your watchdog. It is like disengaging the alarm system in your house. You may not know it, but the Bible speaks of more than one kind of conscience.

There is that good conscience that we all can have, and should have, through the Lord Jesus Christ. But unfortunately, the world, by and large, both individually and corporately, does not have a good conscience.

The Bible speaks of a defiled conscience. Listen to Titus 1:15, and incidentally when you do, you will understand the Hollywood mentality. "To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled." There are those whose conscience is so defiled that they literally cannot tell the difference between what is pure and what is impure.

If you remember, Jiminy Cricket used to say to Pinocchio, "Always let your conscience be your guide." Well, that really is bad advice. The truth is, "Let your conscience be your guide if God is guiding your conscience."

You see, the conscience does not function like a light bulb, it functions like a skylight. In other words, it does not produce its own light, it lets light into the soul. The conscience is like a window, and it is effective only to the extent that it is clean, and that the light that is coming into it is pure. If you cover it, or put it in total darkness, or let impure light shine into it, then it will cease to function properly.

You see, this explains why a Michael Eisner with Disney, or a Hugh Hefner with Playboy, can have a clear conscience by the way they are destroying traditional family values, promoting homosexual and heterosexual sin, and yet go to sleep at night. They have a defiled conscience.

But the Bible also speaks of a deadened conscience. Paul speaks of those in chapter 4 and verse 2 who are "speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron." There are people who have taken the red hot poker of denial and cauterized their conscience. In effect, they have cut the vocal chords out of the throat of their conscience so they no longer have to listen to it.

In 1984, an Avianca Airlines jet crashed in Spain. Investigators studying the accident, made an eerie discovery. The "black box" cockpit recorders revealed that several minutes before impact, the computerized voice from the plane's automatic warning system began to scream out in English, "Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!"

The pilot, evidently thinking that the system was mal-functioning, said, "Shut up Gringo!" and switched the system off. Minutes later, that plane plowed into the side of a mountain and everyone on board died.

The conscience is the automatic warning system of the heart, telling us that we are flying into a mountain. If you with excuses, arrogance, stubbornness, and a refusal to listen to God and His word, disengage your conscience, your life will eventually crash and burn.

But there is another type of conscience that is even worse, and that is the depraved conscience. What is a depraved conscience? It is what the word of God calls an evil conscience. Heb. 10:22 says, "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience."

An evil conscience is more than just a conscience that no longer listens to what is right and what is wrong. It goes a step further. It approves what is wrong, and disapproves what is right. William E. Gladstone, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, once said, "The disease of an evil conscience is beyond the practice of all the physicians of all of the countries in the world."

Let me give you a chilling true to life example of someone with a depraved conscience. Bob Vernon, the former Assistant Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department tells of having to deal with what he called, "Moral flat liners." (The term flat liner refers to the flat line on a heart machine saying that the patient is dead) He meant by this, young people who not only have chosen crime as a career, but who commit the most heinous horrible acts with no remorse whatsoever.

He tells the story of one such youth. A gang member known as "Cool Aid." One day as a high school parade was going by, he took out a gun and began to fire at the Queen's Court sitting on one of the floats. Several young girls were wounded, one critically. The crime was carried out in broad daylight, and he didn't even run. He calmly waited on the police to arrest him.

In the interrogation room after his arrest, Chief Vernon asked this young man why he shot those girls. Do you know what his response was? He said he needed to do some prison time because he had a case of venereal disease and he knew he would get free medical treatment. He also had some teeth that needed filling, so he knew he would get proper dental care.

He also wanted to spend time in prison getting "buffed out." That is, building up his body by lifting weights. But before he went in, he had to acquire a "rep", a reputation. He looked at Chief Vernon and said, "Now I will be known as the enforcer."

Now listen to what Chief Vernon writes:

What we see so clearly in CoolAid's case, is one of the root problems destroying our society and families; the loss of conscience. The trend is to no longer be ashamed of our darker side. This shocking trend is ravaging our culture. It is becoming a badge of honor to not only violate social norms, but even to flaunt that behavior….2

Mark it down, both here on earth and in eternity, the only thing you have coming to you from a corrupted conscience is grief.

III. The Gift of a Cleansed Conscience

If your conscience is not totally clear, and not totally clean, there are two agents that can cleanse your conscience. First, is the Savior. Heb. 9:14 says, "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"

The word purge there literally means "to wash away" or "to cleanse." When the dirt of your sin is washed away from your heart by the blood of Jesus, your soul is eternally clean before God. Because when God moves in, guilt moves out. It is through the Savior that the conscience gets cleansed.

But it is through the Scripture that it stays cleansed. Martin Luther said, "My conscience is captive to the word of God." You see, the conscience is no better than the standard to which it is held. Therefore it can be sharpened in accordance with the highest standard of all, which is the word of God.

So if you are wise, you will read the word of God daily. Because a regular diet of Scripture will strengthen a weak conscience, or restrain an overactive conscience. That conscience that judges best is that conscience which judges right, and that conscience which judges right has as its standard, the word of God.

Do you know what is wrong with America? We have lost our conscience. All of us are familiar with the Holocaust, and the fact that six million Jews were murdered at the hands of Adolph Hitler. Over the entrance of Auschwitz, one of those concentration camps, you can still find these bone-chilling words of Hitler, who wrote: "I want to raise a generation devoid of conscience." What a strange irony that out of moral conviction the world stopped Hitler, and now here in America, without even lifting a gun, we are achieving exactly what Hitler failed to do.3

If you want to live with a clear conscience, and die with a cleansed conscience, surrender your heart to the Son of God, submit your life to the Word of God, and your conscience can be your guide all the way to heaven.

1. "Guilt, Sentiment Impelled Citizens to Send Gifts to U.S. Government," Atlanta Journal, April 16, 1989

2. John MacArthur, Jr., The Vanishing Conscience., p. 56.

3. Tim and Beverly LaHaye, A Nation Without a Conscience, p. 9

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt