A Warm Welcome
Luke 7:36-8:3
by Beth Quick

My mother shared with me an email she received with this "Affirmation for Today", by an unknown author. In part it reads, "Today I will find the grace to let go of resentments of others and self-condemnation over past mistakes. Today I will not try to change, or improve, anybody but me. Today I will act toward others as though this will be my last day on earth. Today I will be unafraid. I will enjoy what is beautiful, and I will believe that as I give to the world, the world will give to me." As children of God, we can trust that we can find our grace, freely offered, by God who loves us so much. Full of faith, full of grace, we can begin to give - give to God, give to our church, give to our families, give to our neighbors, rejoicing in the love of God that knows no bounds.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., A Warm Welcome, by Beth Quick