Luke 4:38-44 · Jesus Heals Mary
Is Jesus Still in the Healing Business?
Luke 4:38-44, Luke 4:31-37
by Bill Bouknight

In a city where I pastored years ago, a clergyman caused quite a controversy. When visiting his church members in the hospital, he would not pray for healing. He believed that the laws of cause and effect are constant and could not be swayed by prayer. It put me in a tight spot because his members began to ask me to come to the hospital and pray for them.

There is no doubt that Jesus was in the healing business. Indeed, healing miracles made Jesus famous. Even Rudolf Bultmann, one of the most skeptical New Testament critics of the past century, wrote: "There can be no doubt that Jesus did such deeds, which were, in his and his contemporaries’ understanding, miracles; that is to say, events that were the result of supernatural divine causality. Doubtless he healed the sick and cast out demons." (1) Jesus overturned the common notions of his day about how God views sick and disabled people. He denied that all sickness is God’s judgment on immoral people. Jesus wanted the sick to know they are especially loved, not cursed, by God. Every one of his miracles of healing undercut the common teaching of the rabbis that "You deserved it." (2) Jesus did not perform miracles to prove his divinity or to attract crowds. Jesus’ miracles were a clear sign that God was invading this evil-infested world and inaugurating his kingdom.

Please look with me at Luke 4, verses 31 through 37. Jesus went down to Capernaum, an important town on the northwestern corner of the Sea of Galilee. If you travel there today, you can visit the Third Century ruins of a synagogue, which was probably on the exact site of the earlier structure in which Jesus taught. There Jesus encountered a man possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. The Bible says little about demon possession before or after Jesus’ life and ministry, but much about it during Jesus’ lifetime. Of course, our world is different and much better because of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Ever since Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon all Christians. Therefore, it makes sense that demon possession would be less of a problem now than it was before Jesus. Nevertheless, I suspect that we underestimate today the problem of people being possessed by evil spirits. How else do you explain what happened in the mind of Timothy McVee or those two boys in Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado? Those people were not insane, just demon possessed. Adolph Hitler was not insane by the classical definition. But he was surely demon possessed. Verse 35 tells us that Jesus commanded the evil spirit to be quiet and to come out of the man. Evil spirits recognized Jesus for who he was, just as a rattlesnake recognizes man as a mortal enemy. In James 2:19 we are told that the demons believe in God and "shudder" because of him. Why did Jesus hush up the demon that recognized him as the Christ? Because Jesus did not want that kind of publicity. Furthermore, at that point the people were not ready to understand what his mission as Messiah really was. Verses 38 and 39 tell us how Jesus healed Simon Peter’s mother in law of some kind of illness. Luke, with the keen eye of a physician, is the only gospel writer to note that she had a high fever. Some cynics have guessed that part of Simon Peter’s willingness to leave home and go with Jesus was because his mother in law lived in his house. Folks, there is not a shred of evidence to support that. Verses 40 through 44 tell us that as the sun was setting, sick people were brought to Jesus from all directions and he healed them. The Sabbath was over at sundown, around 6:00 PM. On the Sabbath Jews were prohibited from traveling over 2/3rds of a mile or carrying any burden. Only after sundown could they carry their sick friends to Jesus. Who knows? Jesus may have been up all night healing folks. Even at daybreak they wanted him to stay there for more healing. But Jesus said, "No, I must preach in the other towns too." Jesus was not just a healer. His main mission was to seek and to save the lost. His primary enemies were sin and death. His passion was to win eternal souls for heaven rather than just improve health conditions on earth. So, he had to do more than heal. He had to preach and to die and to rise again.

I believe that Jesus is still in the healing business. I see Jesus healing in three primary ways.

I. Our Lord Heals through Regular Medical Channels

First, our Lord heals through Regular medical channels. At the beginning of creation God commanded that human beings have dominion over this world. Gradually we are taking dominion over more and more diseases. If God had intervened miraculously and healed every case of polio in the 1950’s, we would never have discovered the Salk vaccine. Researchers at St. Jude Hospital tell me that many kinds of leukemia have virtually been conquered. Sometimes when God does not heal miraculously, he is saying to us, "You can conquer that disease if you really work at it." Most healing today comes through the skills and procedures of the medical community. Those gifts and procedures are gifts from God.

II. Our Lord Heals through Miracles

A Second way our Lord continues to heal is through miracles. Yes, miracles still happen, but they are rare. Less than 1 percent of the seekers who go to the healing shrine at Lourdes, in France, are healed. Yet, doctors and scientists attest to those cases of healing. Most physicians can tell me of rare instances of healing which they cannot explain, except as a miracle. Last week the doctors at the University of Alberta Hospital in Canada were talking about miracles as they watched a 13-month-old toddler, found frozen in the snow, recovering. She wandered away from her home Friday night in only a diaper. Miracles happen, but they are rare. Nevertheless, I'm not a bit hesitant to ask for one.

III. God Heals on the Way to Heaven

The third way God heals is on the way to heaven. The great preacher David Buttrick used to remind us that "all healing is tentative. The mortality rate is still 100 percent." Each one of the people Jesus healed got sick again and died of some cause. Each of us is going to die of something. If we have confessed our sin and have trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we will awaken in heaven, more vibrantly alive and healthier than ever before. The more we learn about health, the more we affirm the connectedness between body, mind, and soul. The way we think effects the body. Our spiritual condition directly impacts our minds and bodies. We are three dimensional—mind, body, and soul. The healthiest people are strong in all three areas. I praise God for antibiotics and laser surgery; for regular checkups, expert diagnosticians, and clean water. People are exercising more and eating more wisely. Thankful as I am for all that, I still believe that the four most powerful medications on earth are spiritual in nature.

THE FIRST IS FAITH. I have watched many people battle cancer, some people of faith and some without. The contrast is startling. In my experience, faith is a huge weapon in the arsenal of those who beat cancer. According to Hebrews, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Heb. 11:1) It is hanging tough when the evidence would have us bail out. It is determining to trust God even when he has not answered all the questions or even assured a pain-free passage. (3) When even a little bit of faith is activated by praying, God often works wonders. The book of James reminds us that "…the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well." (James 5:15) Dr. Harold Koenig of Duke University Medical Center states that preliminary results of surveys show that "people who attend church are both physically healthier and less depressed" than those who don’t. I have a hunch that Methodists are the healthiest of all but I can’t prove that. Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School explains why church attendance is healthy. People who go to church have strong networks of friends who care about them when they are ill. Religious people are less likely to smoke, drink, and have other unhealthy habits. Furthermore, prayer may lower harmful stress hormones such as adrenaline. This kind of stress reduction promotes health. Perhaps you could become twice as healthy if you attend Sunday School and worship! (4)

THE SECOND SUPER MEDICATION IS HOPE. As Isaiah the prophet taught us, "…those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." (Isaiah 40:31) Just a few weeks ago, television presented a powerful documentary about the building of "The Bridge on the River Kwai." The true story is even more dramatic than the famous motion picture version. During World War II, thousands of prisoners of war endured incredible suffering as they were forced to build a railroad for the Japanese through the malaria-infested jungles of Burma. Thousands died. The survivors said that it was not necessarily the strong who endured to the end. The survivors were those who kept hope alive.

THE THIRD POWERFUL MEDICATION IS LOVE. St. Paul taught us this: "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. " (I Cor. 13:13) Calvary Hospital in New York City is a strange place. It admits only terminal patients, those persons who have less than three months to live. They use an integrated approach to medicine there, including psychotherapy, counseling, and spiritual support. Most of all, Calvary is person centered. Everyone is on a first-name basis. Doctors and nurses are selected carefully and encouraged to get involved with the patients, to really care about them. Calvary’s statistics are impressive. 50 percent of the patients double their anticipated life span. 15 percent are discharged. Some of the patients discover at Calvary for the first time people who really care. Calvary’s secret is love. Most people will keep on struggling against fierce odds if they know that even one other person really loves them.

THE FOURTH AND FINAL MEDICATION IS JOY. If you never read the little obscure book of Habakkuk in the Old Testament, you will miss this great verse: "…yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior." (Hab. 3:18) Bruce Larson is a great Presbyterian pastor on the West Coast. He tells about a Presbyterian conference held in Omaha. People were given helium filled balloons and told to release them at some point in the service when they felt like expressing joy. Larson says that since they were Presbyterians, they weren’t free to say, "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!" You don’t hear that often in Methodist services either, do you? Larson says that all through that service in Omaha, balloons were released and rose to the ceiling. But, he says, when the service was over, 1/3 of the worshippers were still holding on to their balloons. If people know the love of God, they ought to be joyful. Come on, Methodists and Presbyterians, let your balloons go! In John 15, after Jesus had taught us that he is the vine and we are the branches, our Lord said, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." (John 15:11) I love this classic statement by Leonard Small: "Joy is the flag that flies on the battlements of the heart when the King is in residence." If Jesus fills your soul, how can you help but be joyful? And that joy is healthier than vitamins or pushups. So, there you have the four most powerful medications on earth: faith, hope, love, and joy.

From time to time I mention our son Aaron who died of a brain tumor at the age of eight. He is in heaven now, waiting on us. Why did God allow other people to be healed through medical channels or by miracles, but not our son? I don’t know. But I have a feeling that when we see him again, we will be far more interested in enjoying him forever than asking questions about past history. For the first year after his death, I could not imagine how life could ever be good again. But it is, although we miss him every day. He is always bicycling up the sidewalks of my mind. God’s four miracle medications have kept us going. We have faith that God is taking care of our son. We have a firm hope that we will see him again. We know that God loves our son and us more than we can imagine. And, God has continued to pump joy into our souls.

Dear friends, we ought to be the healthiest people on the planet. The world’s most powerful medications are free!

(1) Bultmann, Rudolf, Jesus, (Berlin, 1926), p. 159.

(2) Yancey, Philip, The Jesus I Never Knew, (Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 1995), p. 170.

(3) Dobson, James, When God Doesn’t Make Sense, (Tyndale: Wheaton, 1993), p. 221.

(4) Associated Press article entitled "Religion May Help Your Body, as Well as Your Soul," published in the Commercial Appeal of Memphis, Tennessee, February 12, 1996 edition.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by Bill Bouknight