The Good News
Luke 2:8-20

Once, during the hours of a quiet, starlit night, above the hills of Bethlehem, from a strange voice there came an announcement this world will never forget. To a few shepherds then - and to all the world eventually - that voice said, "Behold! I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be to all people ..."

We cannot be sure what language that messenger spoke - perhaps Hebrew, maybe Aramaic, or possibly some language never named and not understood except by a few. But the message heard that night has been translated into almost every language spoken on this planet. When the message reached primitive England, there it encountered an old Anglo-Saxon word, "godspell," which meant "good news" and thus the message became the "gospel" and so it has remained ever since.

"I bring you good news!" From whatever source, these are welcome words to most people most of the time. But this particular piece of news is especially good because it is good for all people in all time. For almost 2,000 years it has occupied an uppermost place in human thought.

And now today, it is because of this piece of good news that we are gathered here - to think about it again, to talk about it some more, to ponder it anew, to give thanks for it and rejoice in it - and to prepare ourselves to share it with all others wherever we can.

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