Hospitality Opens the Door for Healing
Matthew 10:40-42
by Andrew R. Wolfe

Dr. Paul Tournier was a renowned Christian therapist and a spiritual writer. One day Bruce Larson, a pastor in California, asked Dr. Tournier how he counseled people. Dr. Tournier replied, "You know, I'm embarrassed, really, by all of the people who seek me out for counseling. I don't really know how to help people. I don't really do anything at all". He said simply, "What is important is that people are trying to find their way, and so I try to welcome them and I try to support them. And in that welcoming and in that supporting, the possibility for healing is opened."

When we extend hospitality, we open the door for healing to happen.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Andrew R. Wolfe