Exodus 20:1-21 · The Ten Commandments
God Is Pro-Life
Exodus 20:13
by James Merritt

I read in the paper last week a fascinating article by a woman named Naomi Wolfe. She is an unabashed, avowed, feminist. The title of the article was: "A call for truth." The byline of the article was: "Pro-choice advocates should defend abortion honestly, says a prominent feminist author." I want to share with you just a part of this article:

At its best feminism defends its  moral high ground by being simply faithful to the truth to women's real-life experiences. But to its own ethical and political detriment, the Pro-choice Movement has relinquished the moral frame  around the issue of abortion. It has  ceded the language of right and wrong  to abortion foes.

Such a position causes us to lose  political ground.  By refusing to look at abortion within a moral framework,  we lose the millions of Americans who  want to support abortion as a legal right,  but still need to condemn it as a moral  iniquity. Their ethical allegiances are then addressed by the Pro-life Movement, which is willing to speak about good and  evil.

But we are also in danger of losing  something more important than votes; we  stand in jeopardy of losing what can only  be called our souls. Clinging to a rhetoric  about abortion in which there is no life and  no death, we entangle our beliefs in a series of self-delusions, fibs, and evasions, and we risk becoming precisely what our critics charge us with being: callous, selfish, and casually destructive men and women who  share a cheapened view of human life.

I argue for a radical shift in the pro-choice movement's rhetoric and consciousness about abortion. We need to contextualize the right to defend abortion rights within a moral framework that admits that the death of a fetus is a real death; that  there are degrees of culpability, judgment, and responsibility involved in the decision to abort a pregnancy; (note her terminology) that the best understanding of feminism involves holding women, as well as men, to the responsibilities that are inseparable from  their rights; and that we need to be strong enough to acknowledge that this country's high rate of abortion which ends more than a quarter of all pregnancies can only be rightly understood as what Dr. Henry Foster was brave enough to call it: "A failure."

What [Norma] McCorvey [of Roe v Wade fame, who was recently converted to Christianity] and other Americans want, and deserve, is an Abortion-Rights Movement publicly willing to mourn the evil necessary evil though it may be that is abortion.   

The abortion debate has tended to focus on the question of "personhood" of the fetus. Many pro-choice advocates developed a language to assert that the fetus isn't a person, and this, over the years, has developed into a lexicon of dehumanization.

Too often our rhetoric leads us to tell  untruths. What McCorvey wants, it seems, is for abortion-rights advocates to face, really face, what we are doing. "Have you ever seen a second-trimester abortion?" she asked. "It's a baby. It's got a face and a body, and they put him in a freezer and a little container."

Well, so it does; and so they do.[1]

Now did you hear what this feminist was saying? I give her an "H" for honesty. She was admitting that abortion is the taking of a human life. In other words, it is killing.

What is God's response to this? Two words in the Hebrew language literally translated, "No Murder." Or, in the more familiar form, "You shall not murder."  This commandment may be the most misunderstood, misused, misabused, and misapplied, of all of the Ten Commandments. First of all, though it includes murder, it includes far more than murder.

It is also used to justify the very opposite of what the Bible does teach about killing. When you study the Bible you discover that all murder is killing, but not all killing is murder. The law of Moses condemned all acts of murder, but it did not condemn all acts of killing.

For example, it does not prohibit the killing of animals. Verse 24 of this same chapter gives instruction on the sacrifice of animals unto the Lord. The Lord said in Genesis 9:3, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you." 

Neither does this commandment prohibit capital punishment. After God gave Moses this commandment, he gave him another commandment in Ex. 21:12, "He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death." In my estimation, capital punishment is one function of government. In fact, any government which does not punish its criminals, particularly its murderers, is simply the lamb defending the lion's right to eat it.

Neither does this commandment prohibit self defense; defending yourself or your loved ones in case someone is trying to do you bodily harm. Exodus 22:2 says, "If the thief is found breaking in, and he is struck so that he dies, there shall be no guilt for his bloodshed." Self defense is not only a right, but in the case of your family and loved ones, it is a responsibility.

Neither can this commandment be used to justify pacifism, that belief that all war is wrong. Now all war is a tragedy, all war is horrible; nobody likes war. But then again, nobody likes surgery but sometimes surgery is necessary.

When you read the Bible, it's almost as if you are walking in the middle of a battlefield. We read that God and Satan are at war even now. The flesh wars against the Spirit. We are commanded, as the children of God, to put on the armor of God and go out and do spiritual warfare against the demons of hell. When Jesus returns at the Battle of Armageddon, he is going to war. I believe there are times when war is just, and to refuse to fight is unjust.

But as you think about this commandment, the emphasis is not on killing, the emphasis is really on living. Now the very fact that God says "you shall not murder" tells us three wonderful things about the most precious commodity in the world life.

I. The Sovereignty That Gives Life Value

Now why is it wrong to murder? If it is not wrong to kill animals, why is it wrong to kill men? The reason is because of the value of human life. The only reason anything has value is because someone has made it valuable. The only reason that human life has value is because God has made it valuable. You take away the fact of God, you take away the value of life. Let me tell you God's relationship to the life you hold so dear.

a. God Created Human Life

In Gen. 1:26 we are told, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness." By the way, never in the Bible are we told that animals are created in the image of God; only humans have that special trait. Then in Gen. 2:7 we are told, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." Contrary to the evolutionist, the Bible says that man is not here by random chance, he is here by Sovereign choice. He is not just a blob of protoplasm that contains a network of veins through which flow blood and corpuscles; he is a living soul created in the image of God.

Man is not a higher form of the animal, neither is the animal a lower form of man. Man is the highest creation of a Sovereign God.

In my opinion, the greatest shift in the thinking of 20th Century man, is the way he views human life. Today we have Dr. Kevorkian, whose sole mission in life is to snuff out the life of those he deems unfit to live. There are now manuals on how to commit suicide and take your own life. At one time doctors took the Hippocratic oath which forbids abortions. But for many the Hippocratic oath has become the hypocritical oath. We are now living in a day when doctors make a living by taking life rather than preserving it.

How has something that once was so valued, become something that is now so cheap? Well, I can explain it to you in one word evolution. You teach a man he came from an animal, and he will act like an animal, and he will treat others like animals. Someone has observed, and I think rightly so, "In the 18th Century the Bible was killed by liberalism; in the 19th Century God was killed by evolution; in the 20th Century man has been killed by both."

b. God Conceives Human Life

There is a question raging in the abortion debate today over when human life begins. Does human life begin at conception? Well, I'm going to answer that question in a moment, but I believe there is an even greater question, and that is: Who begins human life to begin with?

You may think that life is conceived by the sexual act between a man and a woman. I want you to listen to Ruth 4:13, "So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife; and when he went in to her, the Lord gave her conception, and she bore a son."

Listen to what God said to Jeremiah. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations." (Jere. 1:5) The Bible teaches before conception, at conception, and after conception, God was there all the time. It is God who takes the male sperm, and God who takes the female egg, and it is God that joins them together and forms that life; and what God has joined together, no man should put asunder.

c. God Controls Human Life

Let me tell you what all murder does at bottom. It denies the sovereignty of God, and it denies the dignity of man. There is only one being in this universe that has the right to control both life and death, and that is God. I Sam. 2:6 says, "The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up." 

Do you know why the evolutionist is so eager to get rid of God? Because if you get rid of God, then you become the one who controls life, and you become the one who controls death, and you become the one who controls destiny.

If God controls life, He should be the only one to control death. When Job's sons were killed, you remember what he said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." (Job 1:21) The Lord who gives life is the only one who has the right to take away life.

You see, a murderer is really three sinners in one. When a man murders another human being, he is a murderer. But he is also a thief because he takes someone's life when he didn't give it. But he is also a blasphemer because he takes someone's life when it was God who gave it to him. He usurps the sovereignty and the authority of Almighty God.

II. The Sanctity That Gives Life Virtue

Because life is a creation of God, it has been invested with sanctity and with sacredness. The only way to understand this commandment, which says "you shall not murder", is to understand how God sees murder. 

a. Murder Is an Action

This commandment prohibits directly murdering anybody. Therefore, it prohibits several things: First of all, it prohibits homicide. Homicide is the unlawful, unethical, unbiblical taking of human life. America is an expert on murder because we now have become the most violent life-taking nation in all of the world. Three people every hour, 27,000 people a year are murdered in America.

It also prohibits suicide. This commandment not only prohibits the killing of others, it also prohibits the killing of self. 30,000 people commit suicide every year, and 400,000 attempt it. Remember, your life comes from God; and if God gave you your life only God has the right to take your life.

There may be people here who have either attempted suicide or contemplated suicide. You may even now be thinking about suicide. I want to say to you unequivocally that suicide is never ever in the will of God. Suicide serves no purpose. First of all, it is an act of self-delusion. Suicide doesn't end anything. 

One man told a famous evangelist, "I'm going to take a gun and blow my brains out and end it all." The evangelist said, "You can't end it all; if you had any brains to blow out, you would know it." That evangelist was right. Suicide will not end the misery of your family and loved ones you leave behind. Suicide will not end the heartache of those who feel like they have failed you, causing you to take your own life. Suicide never paid a bill, never righted a wrong, never solved a problem, never healed a hurt, never restored a marriage, never cured a disease, and never glorifies God.

Incidentally, a Christian can commit suicide. I have known some who have. There is no doubt in my mind there are people in heaven today due to a premature and, I might say immature death, because they committed suicide. Many times it is a great mystery. There is no way you can reason out why some people take their lives. Nevertheless, suicide is not the unpardonable sin. 

It prohibits feticide, the killing of unborn children. May I just say here there is only one reason why a person would ever be against abortion because he believes it is the taking of a human life. If you do not believe that about abortion, there is really no reason to believe that it is anymore evil to remove that fetus from the womb than it is to remove a ruptured appendix. If I say to you that life begins at conception and quote the Bible, many of you will believe me, but scholars might not. 

So I just want to quote two doctors: Dr. Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Fundamental Genetics at the University of Rene Descartes in Paris, and discoverer of the genetic basis for Down's syndrome, said, "Life has a very very long history, but each individual has a very neat beginning the moment of conception...to accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being, is no longer a matter of taste, or of opinion. The human nature of the human being from conception to old age is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence."[2]

Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, principal Research Associate in the Department of Medicine at Harvard, agrees "It is an accepted fact that the life of any individual organism reproducing by sexual reproduction, begins at conception or fertilization the time when the egg cell, from the female, and the sperm cell, from the male, join to form a new single cell, the zygote."[3]

But this commandment not only prohibits the direct killing of others, it also prohibits the indirect killing of others. Did you know you can kill other people indirectly? For example, we can kill other people with our lips. Pr. 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Your tongue has the power of death. You can drive a man to an early grave with the words you speak. You can kill a man's reputation with one slip of the tongue.

The man who with the breath
lent him by heaven;
speaks words that soil the white-
ness of a life; is but a murderer.
For death is given as surely by the
tongue as by the knife.

You can kill others with your life. There are children today who are killing their parents by the way they are living. They are sending their parents to an early grave by their open, cold-hearted rebellion. They are etching wrinkles into their forehead, painting gray into their hair, and carving death into their hearts. There are husbands who are doing the same things to their wives, and wives are doing the same things to their husbands just by the way they live.

Two rebellious boys came in from a night on the town; they were half drunk. The father met them at the door with two pistols, one in each hand. He gave one to one son and one to the other and said, "I want you two boys to go upstairs and shoot your mother."  They looked at him in horror and said, "Why would you want us to do that?" He said, "I want you to put her out of her misery, for it would be better for her to die instantly than to be killed by degrees."

We kill ourselves by our lust. We dig our graves with our forks. We bury ourselves with our teeth. We embalm ourselves with our mouths. We overeat, overdrink, over-smoke, underexercise, and die early because we do not treat our bodies as temple of the Holy Spirit.

I could take the rest of this message and talk just about alcohol. One half of the traffic deaths in the United States are caused by drunk drivers. 23,000 Americans are killed on our highways every year by alcohol related accidents. Over 50% of all murders, and 30% of all suicides are directly related to alcohol. They ought to put over every liquor store and every bar in America "You shall not murder." Alcohol has many defenders, but it has no defense it is a killer.

b. Murder Is an Attitude

You may never have laid a hand on another person, and yet be a murderer. Because murder can live in your heart without being seen. Even though no blood is shed, no gun is fired, no weapon is used, and no body is found, you can be a murderer just as surely as the meanest felon. Jesus said in Mt. 15:19, "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders." Before a man ever becomes a murderer with his hands, he is first a murderer in his heart. A man is not a murderer because he kills, he kills because he is a murderer.

Jesus gave his own commentary on this commandment. He said in Mt. 5:21-22, "You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder,' and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment. But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!' shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire." Let me ask you some questions, and let's determine whether or not you have been, or may be a murderer.

Do you have a grudge against anyone that you carry around with you?

Do you have any bitterness in your heart toward another human being?

Is there any unresolved anger you have toward a brother or sister in Christ?

You may call it bitterness, but God calls it murder. You may call it anger, God calls it murder. You may call it hatred, but God galls it murder.

The sainted apostle John said in I Jn. 3:15, "Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him." If your heart is headquarters for hate; if your soul is a harbor for bitterness, the Bible says you are a murderer, and you need to get right with God. 

III. The Savior That Gives Life Victory

Remember that every negative has a positive. This commandment says negatively "You shall not end human life," but positively this commandment says, "You shall enjoy human life." That is exactly why the Lord Jesus came. Jesus said in Jn. 10:10, "I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly."

You see, it is because Jesus Christ was murdered, that He can forgive any sin, including murder. I think you would agree that three of the greatest men in the Bible were Moses, David, and Paul. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible; David wrote many of the Psalms; Paul wrote as much as one-half of the New Testament. They all had one thing in common: they were all murderers. Moses murdered an Egyptian; David murdered Uriah; Paul murdered the early Christians. But they also had one other thing in common: God forgave them and used them in a mighty way.

If you were to take a survey and ask people which, if any, of the Ten Commandments they have not broken, this commandment would win in a landslide vote. Yet, I want to tell you today how everyone of us have broken this commandment.

There was a man who came in to talk to Dr. R. G. Lee, and he was wanting to get right with God. In a fit of self pity or confession, he said to Dr. Lee, "Well, I know that I have probably broken all of the commandments except one." Dr. Lee said, "Which one is that?" He said, "Thou shalt not kill." Dr. Lee said, "Oh, you've broken that one too." He said, "When?" He said, "Two thousand years ago when you helped to crucify the Lord Jesus Christ."

I want you to understand today that the blood of Jesus is on all of our hands. It was our spit that befouled his beard; it was our hands that slapped his face; it was our curses that filled his ears; it was our sins that nailed him to the cross. But because he died for us, we can live with him.

A man can go about forty days without food; he can exist about three days without water; he can exist about eight minutes without air; but I want to tell you in the spiritual realm, he cannot exist one second without Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, that was slain on the altar of a wooden cross, murdered by our own hands, has come to everyone of us who took His life, and offers us His life, which is the true life, which leads to eternal life. Is God pro-life? Yes, He is. The one who gives physical life is willing to give you eternal life today.

[1]  "A Call for Truth", Naomi Wolfe, Perspective Section, The Atlanta Journal, Sunday, November 5, 1995, pp. 1-2.

[2]  Kent Hughes, Loving Others, pp. 116-117.

[3]  Ibid. p. 117.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt