Matthew 22:34-40 · The Greatest Commandment
Envision: A Church After God’s Heart
Matthew 22:34-40
by James Merritt

It doesn’t happen very often. When it does happen it is so different from everything else that can happen that you realize that it has “this is a God thing” written all over it. At least, for me, on very rare occasions, an opportunity comes along that you realize only God could have put before you.

You know it because only God could have engineered all of the circumstances that were necessary to coalesce and come together for this “God thing” to happen. It works like this: God begins to stir your heart and puts restlessness in your soul that you are to make a change in your life, because you want to make an even greater difference with your life. It is almost like a God-baked fortune cookie that you break open in your mind and the message is, “Brace yourself. I am about to do something unbelievable in your life.”

Maybe it was a phone call you received, or a letter in the mail, or a conversation you had with someone, or a news story you read or viewed, or some other trigger that got the ball rolling in your mind on that “God thing”.

[At this point in the sermon Dr. Merritt shares the story of how he came to be pastor of his church. You should substitute your own story or a similar story of God moving you as a pastor into a role or ministry.]

This church, like any church that is reaching people for Christ, is concerned about reaching the next generation, our young people, for Jesus Christ. The reason is simple. Either a church will continue to reach the next generation or it will die.

Like many churches we have also experienced growing pains along the way. Even though we started out much smaller than we are now, we didn’t know at the time how difficult building a church might be. Some of our challenges we anticipated. Some we did not.

That raises the big question – “Where do we want to go? Just who are we as a church? What is it we believe sets our church apart and makes us different? What is the church that we want you to envision?”

The first thing that must happen in order for you to see the vision that God has given the church is this: You must see the church that is beyond the church. What I mean by that is - you are the church. In a real sense, you don’t go to church. You bring the church with you. When you leave the church you take the church with you.

In other words, we’ve got to move from doing church to being the church. Envision a church that goes from doing church one day a week to being the church seven days a week. A church that understands that is it everyone, everywhere, everyday being the church.

I believe when you go back to the New Testament and then go back to Jesus and see what He was about and see what He said, then you realize that what the church really is all about is a great commandment, a great commitment, and a great commission. The purpose of the church and the purpose of a follower of Christ can be boiled down to three things:

(1) Loving God - The Great Commandment
(2) Serving Others - The Great Commitment
(3) Sharing Jesus - The Great Commission

We didn’t just come up with these ideas on our own. They actually come from the very lips of Jesus. When you listen to what He said and even study how He lived you will find the same three things He did and taught are the same three things we are to do and teach.

I. Follow The Great Commandment – Loving God

In Matthew 22 there is an interesting story of a lawyer who came to Jesus and he was trying to trap Jesus. He was trying to ask Him a question that he though Jesus could not answer. He did ask him, perhaps, the greatest question Jesus was ever asked.

"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" (Matthew 22:36, NASB)

The law, here, refers to the first five books of the Old Testament. In those five books there are 613 commandments. He asked Jesus the question, “Of the 613 commandments which one is the greatest?” Anyone else would have been stumped. How do you choose?

Everyone in the crowd was stunned when Jesus, without stuttering or stammering, instantly, summed up every commandment in this one.

“And He said to him, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ This is the great and foremost commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38, NASB)

Think about it. Every commandment that God has ever given is basically summed up in just that one. We are to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind. If that is true, then the church, whatever else it does it must lead others to love God.

The greatest success a church can ever have is to lead people to love God the way He ought to be loved. The greatest failure a church can have is to fail to lead people to love God as He deserves to be loved.

The one thing that God wants from us more than anything else is love. It is our most treasured gift, because that is one thing God will not force us to do. Any parent knows that the one thing you want from your children more than anything else and the one thing you cannot demand from them is their love.

Envision a church where the number one thing it would be known for in the community is a burning, blazing, passionate love for God. Our church should teach just what it means to love God and how we intend to lead you and motivate you and equip you to love God the way He deserves to be loved.

I’ll tell you just how important this is. There is not a problem that any church has that cannot be solved if the people, in that church, love God as they ought to love God and love God as God deserves to be loved. That leads to the second part of our vision which is –

II. Fulfill The Great Commitment – Serving Others

Jesus made some absolutely incredible statements about some absolutely incredible subjects that were staggering to the imagination. He said things no one else had ever said. For example, “It is blessed to give than it is to receive”, “Love your enemies” and “Pray for those who try to hurt you.”

In Matthew, Chapter 20, He makes a statement that probably makes my top three of the most mind-blowing statements I’ve ever heard Jesus make. This is the statement:

“… the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” (Matthew 20:28, NASB)

Every time I read that I want to say, “Wait a minute! You’re the Son of God. In fact you are God. You created the universe. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You should never have to serve anybody, but everybody should serve you and yet you said you didn’t come to be served, but to serve.”

We as a church must lead Christ’s followers to become Christ’s servants. This next statement is crucial. No church will ever rise above (1) leadership and (2) servant-hood. All the leadership in the world is useless if no one is willing to serve. You can have the greatest general in the world, but he is useless if no one is willing to fight. You can have the greatest coach in the world, but he is useless if no one is willing to play. A restaurant can have the greatest food in the universe, but if no one is willing to serve it is out of business.

What we need in our church and what we must develop in our church is an army of servants. We are all different. We all have different interests, different passions, different skills, different gifts and different abilities. There is a reason for that. God made you the way you are, so you can do what He wants you to do. He wants to take who you are, your passions, your gifts, your skills and your abilities and put them to work in the service of the church.

Every single person, who is a part of the church, when asked this question, “What is your particular service or ministry in the church?” should have an answer to that question. There is a place of service for everyone. It is our job to see to it that you are plugged in to that place of service, whether it is inside the church or outside the church. It all begins with an attitude. I want you to ask yourself this question, right now, and think about it over the next three weeks. “Do you come here to be served or to serve?” Then, the last step is probably the greatest step –

III. Finish The Great Commission – Share Jesus

Outside of John 3:16, it is one of the most familiar passages in the scriptures. We have heard them many, many, times.

“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’” (Matthew 28:18-20, NASB)

A disciple is just another word for “Christ follower.” Jesus made it very plain that followers of Christ are to help others to become followers of Christ. There is a reason for that. Do you know what God cares about more than anything else in this world? People. God cares about people who do not know Him and do not love Him and do not serve Him and do not follow Him. God wants to use His followers to turn non-followers into His followers.

The easiest, most effective, most efficient way of doing that is when those of us, who are followers of Christ, simply share our story where we live, where we work, and where we play.

In Luke 8, there is the story of a man that Jesus healed of a serious disease. After Jesus healed him, he wanted to travel with Jesus and spend time with Jesus. Listen to what Jesus said to this man –

“Go back home and tell people how much God has done for you. So the man went all over town telling them his story of how much Jesus had done for him.” (Luke 8:39, NCV)

Beginning right where you live, in your neighborhood, in your community, in your office, or on the golf course, God wants us out there sharing Jesus.

Everyone who has ever become a follower of Christ has a story to tell. You have a story of how you went from being a non-follower to a follower. How you went from being on the outside, looking in, to the inside, looking out. Our church should teach you and train you and equip you and motivate you on how to share that story.

You may be asking, “So how is all of this going to make us so different, so unique and even more importantly, so ready to go to a post-modern, even post-Christian world?”

Here are the things to keep in mind. First of all, we must realize the church is not about programs. It is about a process. The old way of “doing church” was to see how many programs you could stack on top of each other and see how many times you could get people to come back to the church to be a part of those programs. The New Testament says the church should be all about a process; a process of making disciples. A process of leading people to Love God, Serve others and Share Jesus.

That leads to a second application. The effectiveness of a church is measured horizontally, not vertically. Let me tell you what I mean by that. It used to be that we measured effectiveness by how many times we could get people to come back to the church. We even measured maturity this way. We had the idea that if a person came to church Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, Tuesday night visitation, and Thursday night choir practice they must be mature. May I let you in on a little secret? Some of the meanest people I’ve ever pastored never missed a service!

No – the true way you measure the effectiveness of a church is, “How are we doing in moving people along from Loving God to Serving Others to Sharing their Story?”

This is why you don’t want to miss the next three weeks. We are going to be telling you exactly how we intend to help you Love God, Serve Others and Share Jesus. We are going to be telling you what it means to do those things. We are going to be showing you the tools that we are going to be putting into your hands and the resources we are going to make available to you and the intentionality that we are going to bring to this process of helping you be everything that God wants you to be. This is important for one reason – there is a world of hurting people out there who need what only Jesus can give them. The most effective way to get Jesus to them is to be a church filled with people who Love God, Serve Others and are Sharing Jesus.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt