Love Is More than We Can See
Mt 22:34-46; Mk 12:28-34
by Brett Blair

A man once observed a young boy out in a field flying a kite. He noticed that there was something odd about the way the boy was standing and holding on to the string. He walked up to the boy and then learned that the boy was blind. He said, "Do you like flying kites?"

The boy said, "I sure do."

This piqued the man's curiosity and he asked, "How is that when you cannot see it?"

The boy answered, "I may not be able to see it but I can feel it tugging'!"

We may not always be able to identify the love of God in this world. Like the little boy, we may not be able to see love but it has a tug that let's us know it's there.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair