Love without Borders
Matthew 22:34-40
by King Duncan

Most of you know the name Corrie ten Boom whose story, The Hiding Place, has inspired millions. Not many people know of her equally courageous nephew, Peter van Woerden.

During the days of Nazi occupation in Holland, Peter transported Jewish children under the cover of darkness from their home in Harlem to other secret hiding places where they were saved from the Nazis. He was eventually caught and spent several months in prison. After the war, he and his musical family traveled throughout Israel, singing and witnessing for the Lord. When he had a massive heart attack, they rushed him to Haddasah Hospital in Jerusalem. The doctor on call that day skillfully saved his life.

After he recuperated, Peter expressed his gratitude to the medical staff. When they discussed the Holocaust, the doctor suddenly burst into tears. So did Peter. For as they compared notes, the doctor told Peter that he was one of those children Peter had rescued. Now, years later, their paths had providentially crossed, and one of those whom Peter had saved from extinction was there to save him.

Peter van Woerden and Corrie ten Boom have modeled for us the kind of love that will one day save the world. It is a love without boundaries or borders that makes no distinction with regard to race or religion. We need to begin that pilgrimage of love today.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan