Luke 9:57-62 · The Cost of Following Jesus
But First...
Luke 9:57-62
by King Duncan

A lady was taking her time browsing through everything at a yard sale. In a conversation with the homeowner she said, “My husband is going to be very angry when he finds out I stopped at a yard sale.”

“I’m sure he’ll understand when you tell him about all the bargains,” the homeowner replied.

“Normally, yes,” the lady said. “But he just broke his leg, and he’s waiting for me to take him to the hospital to have it set.” (1)

Some things in life cannot be delayed. But we do delay them. Not for any sinister reasons, but because we don’t attach any real urgency to them.

Pastor Gene Sikkink calls it the “But-First Syndrome.” The American Medical Association hasn’t recognized the “But-First Syndrome” as a disease yet, but that doesn’t mean that many people are not suffering from some of its symptoms. Here are some examples of this ailment that Pastor Sikkink has noticed in his own life. He says:

I decide to do the laundry. I sit down with the intention of doing just that and notice the newspaper on the table. I will do the laundry, but first I’m going to read the paper. After that I notice some mail on the table. I’ll stick the newspaper in the recycle bin, but first I’ll look through the mail to see if there are any unpaid bills. As I leaf through the mail, I notice the empty glass on the coffee table from yesterday.  I am now going to look for the checkbook to take care of those unpaid bills, but first I need to put that empty glass in the sink. I head for the kitchen with the glass, but then I notice through the window that our poor flowers need some water. I put the glass in the sink and see that the TV remote and the portable phone are both lying on the countertop. I don’t know how they got there, but I do need to put them away, but first I need to water those plants  . . .”

You get the idea. By the end of the day, he says he manages to get some of the laundry done, the newspapers are still on the floor by the table, the glass is now in the sink. However, the bills never got paid, the checkbook was never found, and the dog ate the remote control . . . (2) There was so much he meant to do, but he got sidetracked by the “But-First Syndrome.”

As Jesus was walking along the road, he encountered three men. The first man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” We’ve all probably felt like that at some time or another. We’ve had some mountaintop experience, maybe some of us once were in a Billy Graham crusade, or we were at a youth conference or some other inspiring situation and we felt so close to Christ that we said in our hearts, “I’ll go wherever you want me to go. I’m yours. Do with me as you will.”

But time has gone by, and the truth of the matter is that we have lived pretty ordinary lives since then. There have been plenty of instances where we could have served Christ better, but somehow other things got in the way.

Some of you remember when Billy Graham crusades were a big deal. Crowds as large as 100,000 would pack stadiums to hear Billy’s sermons, and thousands would go forward as the choir sang, “Just as I am without one plea . . .” to make decisions for Christ.

Recently I read that only between 2% to 4% of those who went forward on such occasions are still actively observing the Christian life now. This is not to say that these crusades had no impact. There are people whose lives were touched in a beautiful way in these crusades, but, for most of those who went forward, it didn’t last. The point is, in some situations, we might say, “Yes, Lord, I am yours,” but Christ knows you’re just caught up in the moment. This was obviously the way it was with this first man who said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”

Notice Jesus’ response to him, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Jesus seems to be saying to him in a gentle way: You don’t know what you’re saying. Following me is not for the faint of heart. It’s not for people who are concerned about material possessions or comforts. It’s for people who are ready to put it all on the line. It’s not for people who get excited on one occasion, who respond for an hour to a nice, warm, spiritual feeling. It’s for people who are ready to be Christ’s man, Christ’s woman regardless of their current circumstance or how they happen to be feeling at the moment. “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

Notice Jesus’ encounter with the second man. Jesus says to him, “Follow me.”

This man replies, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

Ah, here is a man suffering from the “But-first” syndrome. We might wonder what the man’s doing talking to Jesus if his father had just died? In the first century, the Jews buried the dead almost immediately, usually the same day. There weren’t well-equipped mortuaries to handle such needs back then. He was obviously needed back home.

And why does Jesus give him such a hard time? The man makes a perfectly normal request: “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

Jesus’ answer is a little harsh, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” What’s that about?

Commentators differ over whether the man’s father had just died, whether he was near death, or whether he had a few years yet to go.

G. Campbell Morgan refers to a traveler in the Middle East who was trying to enlist a young Arab man as his guide. The young Arab replied that he could not go because he had to bury his father. When the traveler expressed his sympathy, he learned that the young man’s father had not died, but that this was just an expression meaning that his father was getting up in years and he felt responsible for him. (3)

Some of you can identify with that. Your parents, too, are aging. You feel responsible for them. “As long as my Mom and Dad depend on me,” this man is saying, “I better stay home.”

The third man makes a request that is just as reasonable, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.” Hey, these are nice guys and they want to follow Jesus, but they’ve got responsibilities.

And so they say to him, “Yes, but first . . .” Jesus is just as short with this third man as he is with the others. Jesus says to him, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” Obviously Jesus regarded the statement of the first man that he would follow him anywhere as superficial and the replies of the second two as mere excuses. He didn’t need any more half-hearted disciples. He wanted people who were ready to make a commitment.

Jesus wasn’t looking for fans; he was looking for followers. Fans are easy to come by. Show the world that you are a winner, as the world defines a winner, and the world will regard you with adulation.

Of course, some of those fans will be fickle.

One year when the Houston Astros were not enjoying their best baseball season, their fans got a bit frustrated. We’re told that a woman left her season tickets on the dashboard of her locked car two of them. While she was in the store shopping, someone broke into her car. When she returned she found FOUR season tickets on the dash. (4)

The Astros aren’t the only team with fickle fans. We’re told that a sports fan in Cleveland, Ohio was strolling along a beach area in Cleveland when he spotted a bottle floating in Lake Erie. He fished the bottle out of the Lake and opened it, and out popped a Genie.

“Master,” the genie said, “you have released me from my bondage in this bottle, ask any three wishes and I will grant them to you.”

The man thought for a moment and said, “I would like the following three things to happen this year: The Cleveland Browns win the Super Bowl, the Cleveland Indians win the World Series and The Cleveland Cavaliers win the NBA title.”

The Genie thought about this for a moment . . . and jumped back into the bottle.

 It’s hard to be a sports fan.

One man tells about his father who, he says, is an avid football fan. During a recent season his team got off to a poor start. Almost every Sunday afternoon Dad sat depressed, ranting at the TV screen.

One day, after shouts of disgust, silence fell. Puzzled, his wife went into the living room to find him quietly watching a World War II movie.

“I just switched over to something that I knew our side would win!” his Dad explained. (5)

Jesus doesn’t want more fans. Fans are with you win or tie. Jesus has all the fans he needs. Jesus wants people who will walk in his footsteps daily regardless of their circumstances. Jesus wants people who will be with him whether he ascends to a throne or is crucified on a cross. Jesus wants people who mirror his compassion and his love, even when such love and compassion are unpopular.

Bishop William Willimon tells about a baptism ceremony he participated in when he was in campus ministry at Duke University. A fellow campus minister asked him to participate in a baptism of a graduate student.  The grad student was from China.  He had been attracted to the Christian faith while a student at Duke.

Willimon had met the young man once or twice before and joyfully participated in his baptism. He thought it a bright idea to bring his camera and take a few pictures after the baptism.

“You can send these pictures to your family back in China,” Willimon said to the grad student. “You can share your baptism day with your friends at home,” he said as he maneuvered everyone into place for the snapshots. He noticed that the group looked a little shy and awkward, but they all stood together as he took his pictures.

After the baptism the campus minister said to him, “Oh, that was embarrassing, you with your camera and all.”

“Embarrassing?” Willimon asked, “Why?”

“Well, because now that he’s baptized,” his colleague explained, “his life has been ruined.  His parents say that they will disinherit him.  The government will probably take away his scholarship.  He can’t show those pictures to anybody back home.  His life as he knew it is over; he’s been baptized into Jesus.”  (6)

That young graduate student was making a decision that would cause him much pain. He was making a decision to be more than a fan of Jesus Christ. He was making a decision to be a follower. He was making the decision to walk in Christ’s footsteps.

When we read the accounts of Jesus’ life in the gospels we find him giving this command on many occasions: Follow me! He went to those fishermen Peter, Andrew, James and John and said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt 4:19). When the rich young ruler asked what he must do to have eternal life, Jesus answered, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow me” (Mark 10:21). And we read in all three of the Synoptic Gospels the command: “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

Jesus doesn’t want fans. He wants followers. Jesus wants people who will do more than simply sit in a pew and clap and cheer. He wants people who will take up a cross daily, the cross of service and love.

Some of you may know the story of Rich Stearns. When Rich Stearns was a young man and new Christian, he got engaged. His fiancée like many young brides wanted to register for china at the local department store. But he said to her, ‘‘As long as there are children starving in the world, we will not own china, crystal, or silver.”

What a wonderful statement of discipleship. His answer reminds me of that first man in our lesson who said, “I will follow you wherever you go.”

However, as Rich entered the corporate world and started climbing the ladder, he found he had a really good head for business. Twenty years later he was the CEO of Lennox ironically, the top producer of luxury tableware fine china in the country.

One day Rich received a phone call from an organization called World Vision, asking if he would consider getting involved with them. So Rich went to Rakai, Uganda, an area considered ground zero for the AIDS pandemic. In that village he sat in a thatched hut with a thirteen-year-old boy with the same first name as his Richard. A pile of stones outside the door of the hut marked where they had buried Richard’s father, who had died of AIDS. Another pile of stones marked where they buried his mother, who also died of AIDS. That kind of thing happens every day in Africa.

Rich talked for a while with young Richard now the head of the household trying to raise his two younger brothers and asked him at one point, “Do you have a Bible?”

Yes, the boy said, and he went into the other room and brought back the one book in their house.

“Are you able to read it?” Rich asked, and at that the boy’s face lit up. “I love to read the gospel of John because it says Jesus loves children,” the boy said.

And suddenly Rich Stearns knew what he had to do. He needed to follow Jesus full-time. He left his job and his house and his title. Today he’s working for God.  (7)

Rich Stearns is the kind of man Christ is looking for. Christ is not looking for people who’ll get excited for a few moments on Sunday morning and then forget all about their good intentions. He’s not looking for people who are suffering from the “But-first” syndrome and who are continually making excuses about why now is not a good time for them to make a commitment. Jesus is looking for followers people who will wake up each day with a determination to live as Christ would have them live. Can he count on you?

1. Cybersalt Digest.

2. The Pastor’s Story File, vol. 17, No. 8, June 2001.

3. (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1931), p. 133.

4. Leith Anderson, Dying for Change (Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1990).

5. Laugh & Lift,


7. John Rich Stearns, The Hole in Our Gospel (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009). Cited in John Ortberg, The Me I Want To Be (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010).

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Dynamic Preaching Second Quarter 2013, by King Duncan