A Rock of Slavery and of Freedom
Luke 9:51-62
by Greg Rickel

Monks who started Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina were wandering along a road one day and came upon a crossroad. There was an interesting huge granite flat rock, and they were very intrigued by it.

As they talked to neighbors in town about it they were told that the rock was a major selling place for slaves in that sad time in our history. Men, women, and children would stand on that rock and be sold into slavery. So, the monks decided to have it moved to their new monastery, and they dug out a well in its center, and they made that their baptismal font. On it reads, "Upon this rock, people once were sold into slavery. Now upon this rock, through the waters of baptism, people become free children of God."

Transform life where you see it, follow Christ where you are, wherever you are.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Greg Rickel